Escape React Context Hell

Ambrose kibet
4 min readSep 10, 2023


React’s Context API is a handy tool for passing data across your components without the need to constantly send props down through each level of your component tree (a process known as “prop drilling”). However, as your app starts to grow, you might stumble upon a tricky situation called “Context Hell.” In this blog post, we’ll break down what Context Hell is, explain why it’s not ideal, and provide examples to help grasp the issue better. Plus, we’ll share some beginner-friendly solutions to steer clear of this problem.

What the hell is Context Hell?

what is context hell?

React Context Hell happens when you use React’s Context API a bit too much or not quite in the right way. It’s like when your app becomes a bit of a puzzle with too many layers, and it becomes tricky to keep track of everything. Picture a situation where you have lots of these layers, each holding different stuff like state or functions. It can turn into a bit of a mess that’s tough to figure out, test, and keep in good shape.

We’ll show you an example below to make it more straightforward.

In this example:

We have created four different contexts: UserContext, ThemeContext, CartContext, and AuthContext. It's like having four separate boxes to store data. In the App component, we have four different pieces of state: user, theme, cart, and isAuthenticated. Each state corresponds to one of our contexts. We then wrap our entire app in nested context providers. It’s like putting boxes inside boxes inside boxes.

Why is this bad?

Now, let’s break down why this is a problem.

Complexity: Imagine you have a big toolbox with many compartments, and each compartment holds a different tool. Now, if you have too many compartments and they all look the same, it can be hard to remember which compartment has which tool. Similarly, in our code, each compartment is like a context, and it’s tricky to figure out which context contains which piece of data because there are so many of them.

Maintenance Nightmare: Now, imagine you want to add a new item to one of these big boxes or change something in an existing box. You’d have to go through all these big boxes, one by one, to find the right one. It’s like searching for a specific item in a massive stack of big boxes. In our code, If you need to update or add more contexts or states, you have to dig through this nested structure, which can be daunting. This can be quite time-consuming and confusing.

Debugging: When something goes wrong in your app, it’s like trying to find a problem in a chaotic room full of these big boxes. In our case, the disorganized room represents the complex structure of nested contexts. It’s like trying to find a tiny issue (like a bug) in a big pile of complex code. It can take a lot of time and effort to locate what’s causing the problem.

Performance Overhead: Every time you make a change in one of those boxes (contexts), all the parts of your app that care about that box start working again. It’s like if you change something in one toy box, suddenly all the kids who play with those toys get excited. If you have lots of boxes inside boxes, this excitement can happen even when you didn’t really want it to. It can slow down your app and make it less efficient.

How to Avoid Context Hell.

To escape the clutches of Context Hell trap, follow these simple strategies:

Use Context Sparingly: Context is like a superpower; it should only be called upon when truly necessary. Use it for passing around essential global data, like authentication status or theme settings. Avoid using context for managing local component state; that’s what component state (useState) is for.

Leverage Global State Management Libraries: When your application’s state grows complex and starts resembling a labyrinth of nested contexts, consider employing global state management libraries like Redux or Mobx. These tools offer a more organized and structured way to handle your app’s global state, making it easier to keep track of what’s going on.

Here’s an improved version of the previous example that uses Redux and Redux Toolkit:


With Redux Toolkit, we’ve created slices for each piece of global state (user, theme, cart, and auth). This makes it easy to manage and access the global state throughout our application without deep nesting of contexts. It simplifies the code and helps you avoid Context Hell.


React Context is a powerful tool, but it should be used judiciously. React Context Hell can lead to reduced reusability, performance issues, and maintenance challenges. By following best practices, such as using context sparingly, and using global state libraries, you can avoid falling into the depths of React Context Hell and build more maintainable React applications.



Ambrose kibet
Ambrose kibet

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