Part 1: 5 Reasons You Think You Are Not Losing Weight

Ambrose WB
8 min readAug 13, 2018

#1 Genetics

Genes are units of heredity passed down from parents to their children. Our genes do determine some of our characteristics.

But how much control do genes have over your health?

The newer field of epigenetics studies changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. Meaning, our genes are more like a blueprint for our physiological makeup (including body mass and fat) than our destiny.

After an architect draws a blueprint, someone has to read it, right? The body works the same way. The genes are like the architect.

But our genes are read, or expressed, through our epigenome. The prefix “epi” literally means “upon, on, over, or beside.” So the epigenome is the cellular material that sits upon the genome. Think of them like “on” and “off” switches. They are proof that your destiny is not tied to your heredity.

Your genes are not the primary reason you are not losing weight.

If genes are the blueprint, a guide for making something, your epigenome allows you to design yourself.

The first place to start is belief. Stop believing your genes are the reason you are stuck and plateauing. Start believing…



Ambrose WB

I’m a better than average athlete, aspiring coach, and teacher in training. I work hard and live well. And I hope to empower you.