Ambush Vin
2 min readMay 17, 2018
Would it have been possible?

Could Darth Vader have Eventually Beaten The Emperor?

Does anyone else wonder, “What if Darth Vader had never gotten beat on Mustafar, could he have eventually beaten Sidious?

I believe that Darth Sidious foresaw Anakin as a threat to his upcoming reign.

If the story of Plagueis and Sidious manipulating Midi-Chlorians to create him ever becomes canon, it would make sense that Sidious would keep Vader close to him because he would know the power of the life they created.

But, for right now I’ll go with the story and say Sidious sensed Anakin’s potential in the Force and only chose to take Vader as his apprentice because he knew that Vader would one day be the key to overthrowing/killing him.

It fits Senator Palpatine’s Modus Operandi. Keep your enemies close… He did it with the Jedi for years!

I don’t believe for a second that ol’ Sheev cared anything about preserving the Sith Order. He only cared about having all the power for himself. This is why he ordered Gallius Rax to execute the contingency plan to destroy the Empire in the event of his death.

The other thing…

Darth Vader LIMITED his own power, unless his life was in danger. He felt like he deserved his fate. I believe that is the only reason that he was subservient to Sidious…until Sidious tried to kill his son. There was always good in Vader, that was another thing that limited his true potential in the Dark Force


The main source of his strength in the Dark Force was his own self-hatred. That’s why he was so powerful, he hated no one more than he hated himself!
The cybernetic suit he wore caused him constant pain. He built his castle above the site where he lost the battle to Obi-Wan…
Do you guys actually think that one of the best engineers in Jedi history REALLY couldn’t modify his suit so he could access Force abilities like Force Lightning? Sure he could.

He proved adept at swiftly modifying his suit, for instance, after Dr. Cylo, the creator of the cybernetic technology, once took control of his suit and deactivated his life support system.

When the Eternal Rur tried to take control of the cybernetic technology in Doctor Aphra, he had already modified his suit so it couldn’t happen again.

All in all, I think that had he REALLY wanted to, Darth Vader could have mopped the floor with Darth Sidious. Had Luke accepted his offer, they would have ruled the galaxy and Darth Sidious would be no more.

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Ambush Vin

Hi everyone! I am a Chicagoland Hip-Hop artist, Father, Husband, and Sci-Fi Nut! Visit my website at to join my mailing!