Ambush Vin
4 min readMay 17, 2018

When we hear the word “Sith”, the first name that comes to mind is Darth Vader.

Sure, there were other Sith Lords. But, there were none who captivated us like the former Jedi Knight. Lucasfilm filmed 3 prequel movies because Star Wars fans wanted to see how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader. Along the way we got some awesome moments, like the Yoda and Palpatine battle, but we all know the real reason the prequels were filmed.

Darth Vader.

We’ve all heard the tales of Vader’s ruthlessness. However, most people hadn’t witnessed it before seeing the final scene of Rogue One.

Most people.

There are those of us who are so obsessed, we actually believe that we live in that galaxy far, far away. Our existence relies on a regular dose of new Star Wars canonical material: comics, Rebels, and novels. We live for the canon outside of the movies. That’s where the real action is!

That’s why we were so excited when we saw Vader in action on Star Wars Rebels Season 2 more than a year before Rogue One was released!

There is life outside of the movies.

My Top 5 Vader Moments (Outside of the Movies)

1. Vader vs. an entire Battalion of the Rebel Alliance (Marvel Comics — Vader Down)

What happens when Darth Vader crash lands on the planet Vrogas Vas and is surrounded by an entire battalion of Rebels?


It’s an obvious mismatch…for them.

2. Doctor Aphra gets Tossed into Space (Marvel Comics — Darth Vader)

Vader meets Chelli Aphra (another canon character who exists outside of movie continuity) after being demoted by the Emperor. Doctor Aphra, a rogue archaeologist, is Star Wars’ version of Indiana Jones. After reporting Vader’s secret activities to the Emperor, Palpatine basically tells Vader to do what he wants with her.

Vader complies and unceremoniously tosses her through an airlock into outer space.

(Note: There is more to that story! Read Darth Vader #25 to find out what happens.)

3. Vader Sends Cylo and his Ship into the Sun (Marvel Comics — Darth Vader)

Cylo was an accomplished cybernetic scientist who played a key role in creating Vader’s cybernetic limbs and breathing mask. Cylo worked for 20 years to develop cybernetically enhanced beings that could replace Darth Vader as enforcers for the Empire. Cylo obtained permission from the Emperor himself to test Vader using his cybernetic enforcers.

After boarding the force-resistant Cylo’s organic ship, Vader force-commands the ship’s organic brain to fly into the sun. He narrowly escapes on his TIE fighter, but Cylo isn’t so lucky…

4. Vader vs. Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars Rebels, Season 2 Season Finale)

Ahsoka Tano returned to Star Wars continuity in a big way on Rebels Season 2! She revealed herself to be Fulcrum, a valuable source of information for the fledgling rebellion. Once Vader finds out that she is alive, the Emperor gives him permission to find her, in hopes that she will lead them to any Jedi who are still alive.

The brewing confrontation finally happens at a Sith Temple on Malachor IV. Ahsoka confronts Vader in order to give Kanan and Ezra a chance to escape the crumbling temple. This battle alone makes an already-thrilling Season 2 worth watching.

Favorite Highlight (pictured below): When Ahsoka rips Vader’s mask in half and we see the evil hue of his yellow pupil

5. Vader vs. Kanan & Ezra (Star Wars Rebels, Season 2 Episode 1)

Our favorite force-sensitive Ghost crew members, Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger don’t know what they are in for when they sneak back onto Ezra’s home planet, Lothal. After successfully acquiring a couple of military-grade shield generators, they both begin to sense a sudden chill in the force.

Needless to say, the coldness of Darth Vader was the source of that feeling.

They bravely confront the Sith Lord, but it becomes obvious that they are overmatched. Especially after they bring some AT-DP walkers down, crashing on top of Vader…only to watch him use the Force to lift the burning walkers into the air! Ezra and Kanan narrowly escape the wrath of Vader aboard an Imperial shuttle.

What are your favorite Darth Vader moments? I’d love to hear them in the comments!

Ambush Vin

Hi everyone! I am a Chicagoland Hip-Hop artist, Father, Husband, and Sci-Fi Nut! Visit my website at to join my mailing!