Example Mockup created by 31Events.com

Click to Calendar: Countdown Clock Example

Arnie McKinnis
Calendar Stack
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2016


We created an example (using standard tools like Wordpress and little Javascript) to create a direct to calendar invite with a countdown clock. How it was built, and what it does is described further down, just realize, this is doable today …

1) create the event in 31Events
2) copy & paste the code
3) your site visitors (however you drive traffic to that landing page) are presented with a single input box and button
4) fill in their email address, and they get a CALENDAR INVITATION

Simple. Your Event, Their Calendar, One Click.

31Events: how we built the page

the build

31Events Embed:
simple input box with submit button, we provide the iframe code, copy from your 31Events admin page and paste within any HTML web page

Wordpress: within our theme, we have a page template specifically for demo example pages, it has not footer or header (you can use any page template within your site)
WP Plugin — Elementor: I personally can’t say enough about Elementor, it is pure drag-n-drop and simple to use.
Background & Animation — Coverr.co: the background video was available through another great free design resource, check them out to find all sorts of free video backgrounds
Countdown Clock: to create the count-down clock, I had to use a little HTML, CSS and Javascript magic — but I found it by a really quick search, and embedded it as HTML on the webpage.



Originally published at 31Events.



Arnie McKinnis
Calendar Stack

Taking ideas, creating new services, and driving results in an “as a service” world