Yesterday we added 40+ email service providers …

Arnie McKinnis
Calendar Stack
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2017

Email is serious business. It is the foundation of marketing today and how you get the word out about your business and products.

And 31Events supports your email marketing efforts with provide the ability to add one link to your CTA, and when clicked, a calendar invitation is sent — while your customer is being forwarded to a landing page. We have fully tested our app with MailChimp (the market leader), ConstantContact and ExactTarget (part of Salesforce Marketing Cloud).

Yesterday, we also added 40+ additional email service providers. They have not been fully tested, but we wanted to get them up for anyone using those ESPs to try. They include such providers as Aweber, Pardot, Campaign Monintor, Mad Mimi, Emma, and Hubspot.

If you use any of those ESPs, it’s easy to integrate 31Events into your campaigns — especially if you are sending emails for webinars or webcasts — where getting your event on someone’s calendar is crucial.

It’s a fairly easy 3-step process:
(1) create your event in the app
(2) designate your landing page
(3) copy and paste the customized link created by 31Events to your CTA

It’s that easy. And when someone clicks, they will go to your landing page and we will automatically send a calendar invitation with your event information. They don’t do anything special, and it doesn’t disrupt the flow of your email marketing efforts.

Now that’s easy. And the easiest way to get started is get an account, and test it. Give us a “B” or “C” run of your list — just one email run and see how it works. We believe you’ll get two things in return — more people at your event and more information about your campaigns.

Originally published at 31Events.



Arnie McKinnis
Calendar Stack

Taking ideas, creating new services, and driving results in an “as a service” world