Free tool to Ultimate UPSCALE your AI Artwork! (Midjourney, Dalle-2 Nightcafe, Leanardo)

Muhammad Amin
5 min readMay 25, 2023


As humans, we know that technology is always evolving and artificial intelligence (AI) is just one example. To capture the beauty of this evolution, creating artwork with AI can be an amazing way to show how far we have come in terms of technology.

Using AI-generated art can also be a great way to show off your creative skills, allowing you to express yourself through your work and make a unique piece of art. For those who have experience in using Midjourney, Nightcafe or Dalle-2, you now have the opportunity to upscale your AI artwork even further! In this guide, we will explore how you can use ChaiNNer tool to take your AI artwork from okay to outstanding!

Installing ChaiNNer

Installing ChaiNNer is a simple process that can be accomplished in just a few steps.

  1. Go to or
  2. If you visit the second link, just click on the download button, and it will be automatically downloaded.
  3. If you visit the first link (the GitHub link), click on the Releases link, which is on the right side menu.
  4. Choose the latest release and download the zip file or installation file according to your OS.

5. After file is being downloaded install it to your PC

Installing dependencies

  1. After ChaiNNer is installed, open it.
  2. You need to install three dependencies: PyTorch, NCNN, and ONNX. To install these dependencies, just click on the Install button and install all the needed dependencies.

Upscale Images

Now for the most interesting part: we will upscale the images. We will divide this into two parts. In the first part, I will teach you how to upscale a single image, and in the second part, I will teach you to upscale multiple images or a folder that contains multiple images. So let’s start.

Part 1 — Upscale Single Image

  1. On the left menu, in the search field, search for “load image input.” Once it is displayed, simply drag and drop “load image input into the empty place on the screen.

2. Now search for load model (PyTorch section) input and drag and drop it to the empty place; you can drop it under load image input.

3. Do the same thing for the upscale image (PyTorch section) input. Drag and drop this input into the empty place.

4. And finally, search for “Save Image, drag and drop it into the empty place, and your fields should look like this:

5. Now you need to connect these fields and make them work.

6. Click on the yellow circle (image), which is shown on the right side of the Load Image container, and drag and connect it to the Upscale Image container’s yellow circle (image).

7. Do the same thing for the load model (model), connecting the orange circle (model) with the upscale image.

8. Now on the Upscale Image container, connect the yellow circle (upscaled image) to the yellow circle (image) of the Save Image container.

9. And finally, connect the green circle (image name) of the Load Image container to the Save Image container’s green circle (image name).

So your final step should look like this:

10. Now you need to load the model. For this step, you need to download the model. You can download the model file from this link: You can choose any model or search for models and choose the best one that suits your images. Here I will suggest the Remacri (4x_foolhardy_Remacri) model; it works very well and upscales images into high-quality images. So download the Remacri model from the above link and then choose the downloaded file by clicking the “Click to Select a File” section inside the Load Model container.

11. You can select the tile size from the Image Upscale container or just select Auto (Estimate).

12. Choose the base directory where your image will be saved from the Image Save container. You can select the image extension as well.

13. And select the image that you want to upscale by clicking on the Image File section “Click to Select a File” in the Load Image container.

14. And Click on Run Button 🎉

Here you can see the big difference: On the left side is an upscaled image, and on the right side is an original image generated with Midjurney.

Part 2 — Upscale Multiple Images

The second part is very similar to the first part; the only thing you need to do is add the Image File Iterator, which loads a complete folder with multiple images, and select the folder from the “Base Directory” section. (Shown in the below image)

Drag and drop the Image File Iterator and repeat the steps from Part 1. Your fields should look like this:

With the ChaINNer algorithm, the ability to upscale images and enhance their quality has become more accessible than ever before. Embrace this innovative technique and unleash the potential of your low-resolution images to captivate and engage audiences with stunning visual content.

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