Top 10 Free AI Tools for Beginner Writers to Start with.

Ameena Mehmood
5 min readJul 2, 2024

AI tools are software that use artificial intelligence and machine learning to do specific tasks or solve problems.

AI tools won’t take over jobs from a person but someone who is skilled in utilizing AI tools will definitely replace you.
One of the biggest evolutions of the 2000s is the invention of AI tools.

Will AI tools replace humans in 2024?

This is the most frequent question that comes to my mind as a writer and I’m sure most beginners encountered the same thought who wanted to start their career as a writer but are afraid of AI tools. If AI tools are more competent than humans and are efficient in every aspect then who will need humans to write?

Well, certainly not because AI tools require assistance to work. They are tools designed to help and make work easy for humans. Only a few understand the importance of learning, handling and utilizing AI tools in this era. It brings perfection to work and saves time.

AI tools won’t take over jobs from a person but someone who is skilled in utilizing AI tools will definitely replace you.

How are AI writing tools important for writers?

An AI writer is a software that uses artificial intelligence to make content for businesses and brands. It creates various types of content like blog posts, articles, social media posts, marketing materials, and educational content, using keywords, phrases, or topics provided by the user.



Ameena Mehmood

I'm an SEO content writer, I create content that guides and supports individuals in growing their businesses.