Real selling starts when you meet with a client face to face. That is why companies spend a good portion of their budget on B2B appointment setting. To get best results, experts suggest that telemarketing must be part of an integrated sales and marketing initiatives in generating sales leads and B2B appointments.
When it comes to B2B telemarketing in Malaysia, the first call is most crucial. Done properly, it can result in a sale. If not, you blow your chance on a potential customer. So how can you achieve best results from B2B cold calling?

1. Be prepared.
Preparation is half the success in B2B telemarketing. Relying too much on a script due to lack of preparation makes you sound like a “telemarketer” (i.e., that dreaded salesman who speaks like a robot), and prospects don’t like that. Know your product, prepare for questions, and rehearse your presentation until you own your pitch.

2. Avoid “classic” telemarketing opening lines.
“Do you have just a few minutes?”
“How are you doing today?”
“Would you be interested in…?”

These are worn-out cold calling lines which generate the same worn-out responses:
“We’re not interested.”
“No, thank you.”
Make your opening line simple and compelling. Address prospects by their first name, and speak with a smile, sincerity and sincerity. A little humor also helps to keep them interested.

3. Don’t praise yourself too much.
Avoid outrageous claims like “we are the fastest growing lead generation company in the world, “we can increase your sales ten times”, or “we guarantee sales for every appointment we set”. Rather, honestly share experiences where you’ve helped others in the same industry as them.

4. Be honest.
Prospects in Malaysia can detect lies from the other end of the line. If they catch you — and they will — you’ve blown your chance to make a sale. If you’re doing a sales call, tell them upfront and don’t say that you’re not trying to sell anything. It’s easier for them to trust you if they know you would tell the truth.
You only have one chance to make an impressive first impression in a telemarketing call. If you make it, people will buy you first, and then, your product.




Lead Generation Specialist and Appointment Setting Expert at Business Leads Malaysia