Ranking the NBA Christmas jerseys

This year had some new jerseys and new teams in the rotation. While they kept a lot of similarity to the fantastic jerseys of last year, this year was just a twinge behind.

Ameer Helmi
4 min readDec 27, 2016

10. Los Angeles Clippers

LA Clippers?! Really?! The team with the better record and better success can’t even get Los Angeles or at least a matching LA Lakers? Plus, don’t we all want to see both of them put Los Angeles on the front and then have a matchup of yellow and red for LA bragging rights? This was a bad decision and they should feel bad.

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9. New York Knicks

The coloring just didn’t work for me. I’m not sure if it is just me but the blue and the orange just weren’t working. The orange needed to be more orange. They did look better in person than online though .

P.S. Derrick Rose still looks wrong in a Knicks jersey. Even if he is playing pretty well.


8. Chicago Bulls

Come on Chicago?! Why did you change a good thing? The jerseys last year were really good and much more Christmas-y. If there’s one thing the Bulls excel at, it’s messing with a good thing.


7. Minnesota Timberwolves

The green was alright but I wanted a darker Christmas tree green. I could have used a little more out of the jerseys but they were fine. They’ll make up for it in a couple years when they become must watch basketball.

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6. Los Angeles Lakers

They get ahead in these rankings just because they put Los Angeles on the front and then won the game to validate it. Do people still buy white jerseys though? I’d like a purple one please. That would have made it much higher in my book.


5. Oklahoma City Thunder

Loved the blue and loved the white. I just kept forgetting this team is the Thunder and not the OKC Clouds. They looked pretty, especially with Russ zipping around everywhere like a blur. Can we get a lightning yellow color? Is that too much Supersonic?

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4. Boston Celtics

Classic green and white scheme that just never seems to go bad. They aren’t messing with a good thing and that is just fine. I put them over OKC only because the rest of the Thunder jersey lineup is awful.

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3. Golden State Warriors

I have to put Cleveland higher because they won. But this game was gorgeous. Everyone was really visible despite so much color and the game was so entertaining there’s no way these two jerseys couldn’t be this high.


2. Cleveland Cavaliers

There’s only so much Joel Embiid to stave us off until June. Cavs-Warriors was the game of the year and probably the best regular season game in a few years. The hype was insane and it was still far surpassed. I still prefer the Cleveland black sleeved jersey they won with last year but this was as good as ever.

  1. San Antonio Spurs

Kawhi looked so smooth in the black. Aldridge looked like he was having the most fun he’s had all year. Even a few of the amazing Spur snowflakes looked graceful with the large S swoop. The quietest team was also one of the most dominant on Christmas day. They looked great, played great, and won’t let us forget the rest of the league outside Golden State and Cleveland. Thank you Basketball Gods.

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