How to Use Scale and Proportion in Graphic Design

Ameer Muavia
5 min readJul 14, 2023


Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Scale and proportion are two fundamental principles of graphic design that can make or break your visual compositions. They are closely related, but not the same. Scale refers to the size of an element in relation to another element or a reference point, such as the page, the screen, or the human eye. Proportion refers to the ratio or balance of an element in relation to the whole composition or a specific part of it.

Why are scale and proportion important in graphic design? Because they can affect how your audience perceives your message, your brand, and your identity. By manipulating scale and proportion, you can create contrast, hierarchy, harmony, emphasis, drama, and mood in your designs. You can also use them to convey meaning, symbolism, and emotions.

In this article, we will explore some of the ways you can use scale and proportion in graphic design to achieve different effects and communicate your ideas more effectively.

1. Use a scale to create contrast and hierarchy

One of the most common and powerful ways to use scale in graphic design is to create contrast and hierarchy among your elements. Contrast is the difference between two or more elements that make them stand out from each other. Hierarchy is the order of importance or relevance of your elements that guides your audience’s attention and comprehension.

By varying the scale of your elements, you can create contrast and hierarchy that will make your design more dynamic, interesting, and clear. For example, you can use a large scale for your headline to catch your audience’s attention and make it the most prominent element on the page. You can then use a smaller scale for your subheadings, body text, and other details to create a logical structure and flow of information.

You can also use a scale to create contrast and hierarchy within a single element, such as a word, a letter, or an image. For example, you can use a large scale for one word or letter to emphasize its meaning or importance. You can also use a large scale for one part of an image to draw attention to a specific detail or feature.

2. Use proportion to create harmony and balance

Another way to use scale and proportion in graphic design is to create harmony and balance among your elements. Harmony is the sense of unity and cohesion that makes your elements work well together as a whole. Balance is the distribution of visual weight and stability that makes your elements feel comfortable and pleasing to the eye.

By using proportion in graphic design, you can create harmony and balance that will make your design more aesthetically pleasing and professional. For example, you can use proportion to align your elements along a grid or a guide that will create a consistent and orderly layout. You can also use proportion to arrange your elements according to the golden ratio or the rule of thirds which will create a natural and optimal balance.

You can also use proportion to create harmony and balance within a single element, such as a shape, a logo, or an icon. For example, you can use proportion to adjust the size, position, and angle of the parts of a shape to make it symmetrical or asymmetrical. You can also use proportion to modify the thickness, length, and curvature of the lines of a logo or an icon to make it simple or complex.

3. Use scale and proportion to create emphasis and drama

Another way to use scale and proportion in graphic design is to create emphasis and drama among your elements. Emphasis is the degree of attention or importance that you give to an element that makes it stand out from the rest. Drama is the sense of excitement or tension that you create by using unexpected or exaggerated elements that surprise or challenge your audience.

By using scale and proportion in graphic design, you can create emphasis and drama that will make your design more engaging, memorable, and persuasive. For example, you can use a large scale for an element that you want to highlight or emphasize, such as a call-to-action button, a quote, or an image. You can also use a small scale for an element that you want to downplay or hide, such as a disclaimer, a footnote, or a watermark.

You can also use scale and proportion to create emphasis and drama by breaking the rules or conventions of graphic design. For example, you can use an extreme scale for an element that goes beyond the boundaries of the page or the screen, creating a sense of overflow or expansion. You can also use an unusual proportion for an element that distorts its shape or appearance, creating a sense of distortion or transformation.

4. Use scale and proportion to convey meaning and symbolism

Another way to use scale and proportion in graphic design is to convey meaning and symbolism among your elements. Meaning is the message or idea that you want to communicate with your audience through your design. Symbolism is the use of visual elements that represent something else beyond its literal meaning.

By using scale and proportion in graphic design, you can convey meaning and symbolism that will make your design more meaningful, expressive, and creative. For example, you can use a large scale for an element that represents something important, powerful, or dominant, such as a logo, a headline, or an icon. You can also use a small scale for an element that represents something insignificant, weak, or submissive, such as a footnote, a watermark, or a dot.

You can also use scale and proportion to convey meaning and symbolism by using metaphors or analogies in your design. For example, you can use a large scale for an element that resembles something big, such as a mountain, a skyscraper, or a planet. You can also use a small scale for an element that resembles something small, such as a pebble, a coin, or a star.


Scale and proportion are two essential tools that you can use to enhance your graphic design skills and create more effective and attractive visual compositions. By using scale and proportion in graphic design, you can create contrast, hierarchy, harmony, balance, emphasis, drama, meaning, and symbolism in your designs. You can also use them to express your creativity and style and to communicate your message and brand more clearly and persuasively.

Remember that there is no one right way to use scale and proportion in graphic design. You can experiment with different combinations and variations of scale and proportion to achieve different effects and outcomes. The key is to be aware of the principles and the possibilities of scale and proportion in graphic design and to use them intentionally and strategically to achieve your design goals.

