The future of print design: How is print design evolving in the digital age?

Ameer Muavia
3 min readJun 22, 2023
Photo by Water Journal on Unsplash

Print design is a type of graphic design that involves creating visual materials for printing, such as books, magazines, flyers, posters, brochures, and more. Print design has a long and rich history, dating back to the invention of the printing press in the 15th century. Print design has shaped the course of human civilization, enabling the spread of knowledge, education, information, and culture.

However, in the 21st century, print design faces new challenges and opportunities in the digital age. With the rise of smartphones, tablets, computers, and the internet, most of the content is now accessed online. Digital design offers many advantages over print design, such as interactivity, accessibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Does this mean that print design is becoming obsolete? Not at all. In fact, print design is still relevant and valuable in the digital era. Here are some reasons why:

- Print design is tangible and sensory. Unlike digital design, print design can be touched, felt, smelled, and even heard. Print design appeals to multiple senses and creates a lasting impression on the audience. Print design can also use different materials, textures, shapes, sizes, and finishes to enhance the visual impact and message of the design. For example, a flyer can use glossy paper and bright colors to attract attention and convey excitement.

- Print design is trustworthy and credible. In a world where anyone can create and share digital content online, the print design stands out as a more reliable and authoritative source of information. Print design requires more time, effort, and resources to produce and distribute than digital design. Therefore, print design is perceived as more trustworthy and credible by the audience. For example, a magazine can use high-quality images and typography to establish professionalism and expertise.

- Print design is memorable and engaging. Studies have shown that print design has a higher retention rate than digital design. People tend to remember more information from printed materials than from digital ones. This is because print design stimulates deeper cognitive processing and emotional connection with the audience. The print design also encourages more focused attention and less distraction than digital design. For example, a book can use storytelling and narrative techniques to captivate and inspire the reader.

- Print design is creative and innovative. In the digital age, print design is not limited by the constraints of technology or conventions. Print design can be creative and innovative in many ways, such as combining print and digital elements, using augmented reality or QR codes, experimenting with typography or layout, or creating interactive or immersive experiences. For example, a poster can use a QR code to link to a website or a video that provides more information or entertainment.

In conclusion, print design is not dying in the digital age. Rather, it is evolving and adapting to the changing needs and preferences of the audience. Print design can complement and enhance digital design by offering unique benefits and advantages that digital design cannot provide. Print design can also leverage the power of digital technology to create new possibilities and opportunities for communication and expression.

