Sennheiser CX 3.00

3 min readJan 9, 2018


In spite of the fact that an entrenched player in the sound market, Sennheiser has a battle staring its in the face with the surge in ubiquity of the Beats mark. Its most recent headphones — or in-ear earphones, in the event that you favor — the CX 3.00 are pointed unequivocally at hitting back at Beats. They’re a refresh to its entrance level CX 300 territory, donning another calculated earpiece outline and more bassy sound.

Costing under £45, it’s nothing unexpected that the CX 3.00 aren’t precisely inundated with premium materials or a sweet complete, yet regardless you get a sensible sum for your cash. In the container you get a little convey case which incorporates space for an extra arrangement of earpiece tips, and there are four distinct sizes of tip to browse. The earphones themselves are keen looking, as well. We tried the dark adaptation, which has a reasonably downplayed style, despite the fact that variants with white or red links and earpiece emphasizes are accessible, as well. Being such a little arrangement of headphones, there’s just such an extensive amount an outline proclamation you can make with them, and the primary visual element is a silver Sennheiser logo on the external face, which includes a touch of sparkle. Something else, in any event in their dark shape, they’re inconspicuous as opposed to champion, and a long ways from the right away conspicuous look of Beats headphones. The frame of the earpiece is polished plastic, while the back edge utilizes a more matt complete, with a coordinating segment of elastic link assurance hanging down from its back edge. The link itself is somewhat leveled to decrease tangles, which it appears to do great, and in spite of the fact that it’s a long way from crimp free out of the case, it hangs sensibly straight. The link lengths for every ear are indistinguishable and there’s a bit of sliding woggle for fixing the links up under your jaw — like all the cool children do these days.

The most evident thing about the CX 3.00 outline is that Sennheiser has moved from a straight earpiece to one with a slight edge to it, and this has a significant effect to how well they fit, and in addition the subsequent solace and sound quality. Very regularly these kind of in-channel headphones, where the elastic earpiece tips sit in and seal against the external edge of your ear waterway, are scuppered by not coming to sufficiently far into the ear to get a decent seal — at any rate, not without being pushed awkwardly far in. This can be stayed away from by having a more extended earpiece that gives more space for the tip to venture into your ear without the link fouling against your ear cartilage, however a considerably less demanding arrangement is to point the earpiece to all the more precisely coordinate the edge of the waterway itself, as done here. That incredible fit has another result, which is amazing commotion disconnection. You’re not going to shut out as much outer commotion as you can with valid in-ear or uniquely shaped headphones, however the CX 3.00 bring some relief pleasantly. A decent seal likewise implies you can get a decent bass reaction, and with Sennheiser having increased the bass level on the CX 3.00 contrasted with the CX 300 II, bass is certainly something you get a lot of here. The most profound bass lines resound around your travel in a way that couple of headphones can coordinate. The Sennheiser CX 3.00 are awesome ease headphones. They’re lightweight, simple to deal with and unbelievably agreeable. Their calculated plan likewise makes for a choice seal, bringing about incredible bass reaction and clamor segregation. Extraordinary sounding earphones that are light and amazingly agreeable.

