40 Things I Must Do as a Woman

Some of the societal rules and expectations for just existing

Amelia Lane
4 min readMar 23, 2021
Photo by Aiony Haust on Unsplash
  1. I must smile and return your greeting, even when I don’t know you or am busy running an errand.
  2. I must have sex with, or at the very least, kiss you after you pay for my meal or my movie ticket.
  3. I must let you invade my private space without getting rude or snappy.
  4. I must never make any suggestions about how a man can change his behavior. I must always alter mine.
  5. I must walk home with a friend or two.
  6. I must hold my keys in my hand in case I need to protect myself.
  7. I must plan how I am going to get home from a party if it’s late at night.
  8. I must choose between having a busy career that requires travel and little time off, or making my partner happy.
  9. I must maintain my home, cook meals, and attend all of my child’s events in order not to feel like a failure.
  10. I must wait until my boss feels I deserve a raise or promotion before I inquire about one.
  11. I must never raise my voice in public or in private, especially about something that involves social justice.
  12. I must maintain silence about a man’s behavior when it…

