How This Single Mom is Coaching Millions Online to Live Their Ultimate Life

Amena Kay Thornton
3 min readJun 8, 2022


Photo Credit: s.t.a.n.k_ on Instagram of Amena Kay Thornton (May 2022)

From the beginning Amena faced challenges. Born as a premie and nursed in a nunnery at birth in San Diego, CA for the first few months of her life. In a world to a loving mother and busy Navy man that was often out of the picture. Faced by a difficult early life, lend her to believe that she was not enough. Though those times made who she is today and gives her the ability to coach others since she has lived though many challenges and successes.

In 2009 she was in her 20s, working on her family, businesses, and homeschooling her three kids, the business her and her partner built since 2000 sold in the multi-millions and life seemed good!

But like with success, comes setbacks, after a rocky marriage and business partnership. The couple split ways and Amena, her 3 kids, and 6 pets where broke, broken and alone in the 10 years that followed.

“I forgot how to live. I lost hope, direction, support, my beliefs. I felt worthless. I felt used. I was embarrassed. I worked so much for the dream life and was believing I had it. But it was a faulthood. It was a dream. The partnership was my life, I got lost in it. I had to find me. Love me. Support me. and Believe in me.” — Amena Kay Thornton

As Amena rebuilt her life, now as an only parent, she found peace and comfort in helping coach others to refocus their mindset and rebuild themselves as she has. She became known online as the millionaire coach, and expanded her social network to the millions.

By the time Covid hit she tried other business ideas as she represented herself through her divorce, fighting to keep her home for her and her kids. As hard as it was, Amena kept going. Cried, stressed, worried about their future and what that would look like each night. Pushing herself to learning new online skills, purchasing coaching programs to figure out how to make this new business work.

Failing time and time again. Buying more coaching services and trying each day to find out what she was missing, she came across an online coach that was not pitching his online services, but teaching through his stories about his challenges and successes. She purchases all his programs over the next year and that lead her to understand how all the things she learned was just a bit off.

After understanding the process, money was still not coming in after a year of trying. But she did not give up. She was the supporter now of her family, and there was no time to live in doubt.

By year two, paid over $30,000 in more business coaching. That is when everything changed. “I was doing what every other coach online was doing. I needed to do what the successful coaches where doing. I changed my mindset. I invested fully into me and my success. I showed up differently. I spoke differently. I created better programs, and I started charging what the result was worth.”

Social media following grew, podcast and youtube channel grew. She grew her online team to over 20 people. The starting price for her coaching grew from $3,000 to $25,000 a client. With exclusive private level coaching starting at $100,000.

“Anyone can do what I do. Anyone can have and create the life of their dreams, they just need to learn what I have. That way they can also live their Ultimate Life. I coach people how to do just that in my various programs, challenges, webinars, books, podcast interviews, youtube channel, clubhouse group, and social platforms. It will not be easy, but I guarantee it will be worth it.”

Currently, she is working on a Youtube reality show called The Ultimate Life, which she films her life behind the scenes, the struggle and the successes. She is also working in the music industry to bring her powerful ‘magnetic” motivational tracks to the masses.

She has big dreams and often does LIVE talks on her Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok about her goals, and motivates her following to believe and manifest their Ultimate Life.

Follow Amena Kay Thornton on Instagram and Youtube. Check out her main website.

