
Amer ali
2 min readDec 27, 2021



the Quality or fact of continuing to exist; persistence.

Why tenacity is important in business or in any other profession? Let’s consider it is not important then what is the alternative? Instead of focusing on one thing, we will keep changing our direction and where will we reach? Nowhere or maybe from where we started.

In order to achieve anything significant in your life. You need to be persistent and continuously do that particular task for a certain period of time and then results will start appearing. Rome was not built in a day we know this quote. Let’s talk about a more recent quote. Apple did not reach the net worth of a trillion in a year.

If we look at the apple- One of the more innovative and successful companies in the world. Its Co-founder Steve jobs were very persistent with the product he wants to make and he failed many times. Interestingly, even if we fail hundred times and succeed only one time. 1 Success can take our failure in a big way. Does anyone remember Newton or LISA one of the biggest failures of Apple? I hardly think you have heard about it unless you are a big fan of Apple-like me.

You have to be consistent in whatever endeavors you have taken. Taking long-term vision gives us the ability to handle day-to-day setbacks. Otherwise, one day, one week, or even a year’s back can move you away from the track.

As we are approaching a new year, I wish you become more persistent in whatever endeavors of life you have chosen to be.

