Characteristics of a positive school culture!

James Alex
3 min readSep 12, 2018


School culture can be perceived as a cognitive framework of shared assumptions, values and norms that are historically transmitted but are taken-for-granted. And to which organization’s members pay much importance. It explains a school’s persona. These shared assumptions, unspoken beliefs and unwritten regulations shape not only people’s perspective but also influences how they do their jobs.

These attributes affect the relationship between students, teachers, administrators and parents. Moreover, they influence learning outcomes in schools.

The substantial body of research points out that positive school culture in quality educational institutions like best British schools in Dubai promotes academic achievements of your child. That positively influences his future academic growth. After thorough research, we have compiled here a list of essential characteristics that shape the positive school culture:

1. Inspiring vision

Without vision, no organization can prosper. The same goes true for academic institutions. The more a school has a clear and inspiring view, the more it is likely to drive all members to meet the challenging educational goals.

So, a bright and inspiring vision that is widely shared by all members is essential to strengthen a culture that positively impacts academic learning.

2. Able leadership

The next important component of s school’s culture is quality leadership. Because a leader is the one who drives everyone towards the shared goal, his qualities matter a lot and strongly influences the shared cultured of the institution.

3. The faculty is free to experiment

The degree to which faculty and staff are allowed to experiment and take risk is another factor that significantly influences the school’s culture. If the school as an institution limits the abilities of the staff and students by putting them in a controlled environment, it is likely to negatively impact their performance in general and learning in particular. Therefore, schools such as Best British schools in Dubai provide a flexible environment to ensure room for development.

4. Continuous improvement of the processes and curriculum

A positive institutional culture promotes innovations and continual update. The world is continuously evolving. Therefore, curriculum, modes of teaching and learning needs to be changed to cater to the changing needs.

But this improvement must be in line with the clearly stated vision and mission of the institution and must be modified according to students’ needs and wants.

5. Appreciation and rewarding

How much school’s staff and principal show gratitude towards school’s team members those are making a valuable contribution to the organization in general and the students in particular strongly influences the culture of a school.

6. Honest and open communication within the organization

The extent to which school provides an opportunity to share information and feedback is the key to create a culture that fosters the positive engagement between the stakeholders.

This honest and open communication facilitates discussion on fundamental matters and also promotes the consolidation of a school’s community.

Key Note!

Schools in the UAE that have a positive shared culture effectively transmit these values to its pupils. Research studies indicate that a conductive culture within a school’s institution is essential to promote academic growth of your child.

Therefore, excellent educational institutions such as the best British schools in Dubai pay massive attention towards the creation of positive traditions that foster their pupil’s academic and social development.

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