The Fucked-Up Alchemy of Christ

Saint Germain
4 min readMar 30, 2024


Alchemy of Yeshua

The Worship of True False Gods in Alchemy

Alchemy is about galvanizing the Heart of Christ of the human soul, according to Master Saint Germain. The Heart of Alchemy is gold.

​The main trainers of Alchemical Hypnotherapy, the founder David Quigley and his co-director Patricia Haggard, thanked me. Once real money was entering our nicely-built honest-partnership-based joint venture, building their prosperity meant one thing to David Quigley, a highly gifted-in-envy type of personality and the original founder of the Alchemy Institute for Hypnosis: Destroy her.

After some review, I definitely received the better end of the bargain.

I was looking to heal.

I posted, talking about my dire circumstances not mentioning anything nor anyone specific, entirely anonymously in a private group for experts. My post had been encouraged by my spirit guides. Master Saint Germain said to me Please add the line “There were lies involved.” at the end of your post.

It triggered Patricia of Bridges Academy. But it wasn’t her who responded publicly and betrayed their anonymity by commenting “Yes, there were lies involved.” It was David Quigley.

Meanwhile behind the scenes, a speechless group admin wrote to me that she had to delete my initial post. “Mister and Misses Quigley” the master alchemists of his ancient hypnosis therapy school had refused to let me continue to receive much needed help. Patricia had sent her a seething email, outright admitting that she and Mister Quigley were the ones involved, and that I was lying. The admin requested of me to please do your best to refrain from things that might trigger this woman of Mister Quigley.

I re-wrote my post deleting that I’m an Alchemical Hypnotherapy Trainer and simply adding an apology. You can see fake Patricia’s fb-care-hug emoticon to my post in my image.

​I’m devastated for I didn’t mean not to help by helping Patricia Haggard when she began to walk away from Quigley in 2017. His integrity has always lacked. When she tossed him in a huff, he didn’t bring in any more money, in fact, some people mentioned to Patricia Haggard of Bridges Academy that David Quigley of the Alchemy Institute was speaking of retiring.

Sweet “Pat,” how everyone calls Patricia Haggard of Bridges Academy, didn’t make enough money online with her new venture yet, and picked up a little bit of work here and there for David Quigley’s office, however this time on a 1099-basis instead of being the employee she was before.

​Patricia and I began talking about ways to make Patricia’s new venture, namely Bridges Academy LLC, sustainable. I said let’s bring in Quigley, let’s add an online component, he anyway doesn’t have anyone in the room anymore. She’d never been able to get him to teach online, she objected, but I told her I knew how to make him lose his fear, with a plan in my head, and we started the project of a full-on unintended Quigley financial recovery.

Eager to please Quigley, Patricia Haggard began to refrain from adding teachers to her online delivery school of high quality certifiable hypnosis programs and instead added only inferior courses to mainly support and improve on David Quigley’s program.

We were going strong by 2021. We’d gained experience and perfected the delivery online to provide a welcoming environment.

She tore away my business share to distribute between herself and Quigley on July 15, 2021.

She never left. ​The beautiful entrepreneur of 2017, who had bravely started a school of her own, featuring a few stellar students including myself — just they don’t feature me anymore and disapprove of my trainer credentials from seven years of my intimate study of Quigley’s material who are also well-versed in other modalities well-suited to supplement the development of Alchemical Hypnosis instruction, had become nothing but a platform for online delivery of David Quigley. ​

It’s been terrifying

Patricia pretended to be of utmost integrity. Until she was done with needing to pretend. Uncover.

Alchemy of Saint Germain comprises the Transmutation of Fear into Trust. We work with High Ascended Masters.

Unbound by Illusion
Love Becomes Truth
Thus Freed To Love Means To Be Free

© Nora Hoffmann



Saint Germain

I need to restore the history of someone who helped innocently without fear and is being outcast and called criminal by an organization who survived for her