Why you should Never Outshine the Master

American Review Org
3 min readJun 13, 2022

An an employee we must remember, sometimes outshining the master can be a deadly mistake.

Being an employee is often seen as a servile position, but servanthood is actually a very powerful position to be in. As a employee, you have the ability to make a real difference without great risk. Being humble and taking pride in their work will move you far. However, they also know when to read the environment and how to avoid rocking the boat. As an employee, you are a guest in the company. You have been given the opportunity to contribute to its success. Learn to help and you will find that you can make a real difference in your workplace.

You will also find that you can move around without tipping off individuals who have influence. Every employee should know what their boss’s plans, goals, and objectives are. Once you know those, help him to achieve them. If he is a good boss, a good master, he will remember you and reward you. If he is not, you still benefit because you will have learned valuable lessons studying him. Bosses come in all shapes and sizes, but the best ones share some common characteristics. They have a clear vision for the future, they’re able to delegate responsibility effectively, and they’re always willing to offer feedback — both positive and negative. By studying your boss closely, you can learn how to be a better leader yourself. And even if your boss isn’t the perfect role model, there’s still much to be gained from trying to help him achieve his goals. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual employee to make the most of their working relationships. But by taking the time to understand your boss’s objectives and lend a hand whenever possible, you can set yourself up for success — no matter who you work for.

As anyone who has ever sought to rise up the corporate ladder knows, it is not simply a matter of acquiring the necessary skills and experience. To be truly successful, one must also learn to exercise good judgment and discretion. After all, technicians can always be hired to do the work that needs to be done. But it takes a special kind of person to have the good sense to know when to take action and when to hold back. And it is this quality that builds trust. Trust is the most valuable commodity there is because it is the foundation upon which all relationships are built. Whether you are dealing with clients, colleagues, or subordinates, being able to inspire trust is what will ultimately help you to achieve your goals.

As a professional, you are always being watched and evaluated by those around you. Your subordinates, peers, and superiors are all constantly assessing your work and determining whether or not you are meeting their standards. This can be a bit of a daunting prospect, but it is also an opportunity to improve your craft. By paying attention to how others react to your work, you can learn a great deal about what they value and how you can better serve them. If you find that your boss does not appreciate your contributions, then that is valuable information that can help you decide whether or not to continue working for them. In any case, always remember that you are in control of your own career, and that the only way to succeed is to keep moving forward.

You will learn to conquer and even learn to conquer yourself. What does it mean to conquer yourself? To many, it may seem like an impossible task. After all, we are our own worst enemies. We know all of our weaknesses and flaws, and we are constantly fighting against ourselves. But if we can learn to control our ego and our emotions, we will be able to achieve anything we set our minds to. By conquering ourselves, we conquer our fears and doubts. We become unstoppable. We become the people we were meant to be. When we conquer ourselves, we conquer the world.

The reality is “outshining the master” is a deadly mistake. It may not be for the reasons you originally thought but regardless it could lead to your downfall.

Find original article at ARO: https://american-review.org/sentiment/2022/06/14/why-you-should-never-outshine-the-master/



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