Stop Reading Self Help Books

Simon P
3 min readFeb 28, 2024


Why Self-Help Books Are Overrated.

Self Help Book

A behind the scenes look.

Now, regarding self-help books:
As someone dedicated to self-improvement, I dove into the sea of self-help books a few years back, thinking they were the Holy Grail of personal growth.
But spoiler alert: they’re not. Here’s why.

Debunking the Hype

Number one on the list: recycled content.
Ever felt like you’re hearing the same old spiel in different packaging?
That’s because a lot of self-help books are merely regurgitated versions of ancient wisdom.
Take Stoic principles, for instance.
Sure, they’re timeless, but reading a modern take on them hardly offers anything groundbreaking.
Cut out the middleman and dive straight into the source material for a richer experience.

The YouTube Reaction Effect

Watching result orientated videos on YouTube may be entertaining for some, but let’s face it, it’s not the same as watching the original content.
Similarly, self-help books often provide diluted versions of original ideas. Why settle for secondhand interpretations when you can go straight to the source?

The Thinker

Philosophy: The Real MVP

Forget self-help books; philosophy is where it’s at.
Works from centuries ago still resonate today, proving their enduring relevance.
While self-help books quickly become outdated, philosophical insights stand the test of time.

Easy to Consume, Hardness to Practise.

Self-help books are like fast food for the mind — easy to consume but hard to digest.
You might breeze through the pages, but implementing their advice is a whole other story.
The lack of engaging narratives makes it easy to forget what you’ve read, rendering the whole exercise futile.

The Power of Stories

Stories stick with us.
Unlike the dry, step-by-step approach of self-help books, narratives captivate our attention and aid in retention.
Take “The Alchemist,” for example — not intended as a self-help book, yet its story resonates deeply with readers, offering valuable insights along the way.

The Never Ending Cycle

Ever found yourself stuck in a loop of self-help book after self-help book?
It’s a trap many fall into, mistaking quantity for progress.
Ending up with what I like to call SHELF HELP BOOKS.
So, is there a solution?

Infinite loop

Finding clarity in the Self-Help Jungle

So, are self-help books completely worthless?
Not necessarily.
There are gems amidst the rubble. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, for instance, offers practical advice worth considering.

Tips for your Journey

If you’re diving into the self-help realm, tread carefully:

1. Mix it Up:
Don’t drown yourself in a sea of self-help.
Explore different genres to keep things fresh.

2. Take Notes:
Treat self-help books like textbooks.
Jot down key points to reinforce your learning.

3. Diversify Your Reading:
Expand your horizons beyond self-help.
Embrace diversity in genres and perspectives for a richer reading experience.

Parting Words

So are self-help books still relevant in 2024?
That’s for you to decide.
But above all else, stay open-minded, and keep growing.

Peace out!



Simon P

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