A Little Bit of This, a Little Bit of That, and a Whole Lot of Loving

BJ’s This or That Challenge: Valentine’s Edition

4 min readFeb 5, 2023
The Three of Swords, as generated by DALL-E

My beautiful and intelligent friend Jill Eng tagged me on a challenge originally created by Brett Jenae Tomlin, who has a knack for “This or That” Challenges. Given the impending Valentine’s Day, here is an appropriate list of questions. Also, make sure to read both Jill’s story and BJ’s story:

The Big Question

Before I began answering any “This or That” questions, I asked myself the critical first question, which is:

Ame, why do you hate Valentine’s Day?

There is no obvious list to make this question multiple-choice. But similar to National Employee Appreciation Day or Transgender Awareness Week, we should be loving and caring to our significant others every day. If you wait around for Valentine’s Day to make your sweetheart realize you care, you might find yourself alone when the day arrives!

Nonetheless, I shall persevere and answer the questions on everybody’s minds:

Amethysta, This or That?

1. White Chocolate or Dark Chocolate?
Absolutely Dark Chocolate! I believe White Chocolate was invented as a conspiracy to keep the best candy away from The People. I stand with The People!

(That said, don’t eat too much dark chocolate or you will be sitting for quite a while, if you catch my kitty drift.)

2. Massages or Bubble Baths?
Until my honeymoon at 37 years old, I had never had a full-body massage. It was an uncomfortable experience. But when my wife became a Licensed Massage Therapist, I figured out I like them! Most of the time, I will take my wife’s massage over a bubble bath, unless I’m feeling crabby.

3. Romantic or Cynic?
Hm…this is difficult to answer. I consider myself a realist, but I am a sucker for romance.

4. Red Light or Green Light?
If I’m in a car at all, I must have someplace to go. I come from California, where we pioneered the freeway as well as driving a hundred thousand miles an hour to get to…work. Yep, we hurry to go do…work. Anyway, give me a green light and make me feel better about where I’m going.

5. Phones or No Phones?
I probably use my phone too much — Discord, Slack, Twitter, texting, email (and I hear you can do this voice chat thing with a phone, too, but I haven’t explored it much). I’ll go with no phones — focus on the person in front of you.

6. Love at First Sight or Slow Burn Love?
That sucker for romance is saying love at first sight. But who is to say that a quick love is not going to linger and burn for — I don’t know — at least 23 years come April 20th? (Don’t forget, Kitten!)

7. Appetizers or Dessert?
Usually I would rather have dessert from a dedicated dessert-making place. Appetizers.

8. Thin or Thick?
<Glances down at her thighs and butt />
Thick. I may be curvy, but I like it.

9. Flowers or Candy?
My wife taught me as much as I can remember about plants. Flowers are dying the moment you get them, and — being that sucker for romance — commemorating love with death seems wrong. I can at least give the candy to my son.

10. Going Out or Staying In?
I’m a homebody and boring. Staying in with somebody and putting down the phones so I can be a sucker for romance.

11. Cheese or No Cheese?
I cannot envision a world without cheese. Removing cheese from my life would destroy all romance, and (as I may have mentioned) I am a sucker for romance.

12. Music or Mood Lighting?
I love music, but if I want to talk, I’d rather have mood lighting. Of course, if nobody is there, sitting alone in pretty lights can get sort of boring. Should have brought my phone.

13. Acts of Service or Words of Affirmation?
Absolutely acts of service. I worked for too many wankers who promised me things without delivering. Show me that you care.

14. Scented or Unscented?
Unscented! Nothing worse than a fake banana smell.

15. Whipped Cream or Strawberries?
Despite them being romantic, I hate strawberries. Whipped cream, on the other hand, has so many fun uses!

16. Online Dating or IRL?
Fun Fact: I met my first wife on the alt.vampyres Usenet group in 1993.
In real life, please.

17. Mystery or Open Book?
I tell everything to everybody. I’ll pretend that I like that and say open book.

18. Silk or Flannel?
Is this really a choice?? Silk, of course.

19. King or Queen?
We bought a King-sized bed years ago. It was really expensive and we were assured it was top of the line, last us forever, and we’d sleep like cats in it. I felt lost sleeping in it, and we went back to our Queen-sized mattress. That said, my wife always steals the covers, so Queen-sized mattress, King-sized sheets and blanket!

20. Espresso or Dinner Mint?
For sure, a dinner mint. Since I quit drinking, I can stay awake just fine after dinner. But I do like dark chocolate and eating a mint with your significant other instead of looking at your phone is certainly romantic. Did I mention? I’m a sucker for romance.

It’s your turn

All right…I call out these people to answer the This or That, Valentine’s Edition Challenge before Valentine’s Day!


Jenny Starr✨

Stephenie Magister ✨

Logan Silkwood

Sieran Lane




I no longer publish on Medium - please go to https://amethysta.io to follow me on social media. Then go to https://genderidentitytoday.com to read my work!