The Five Favorite Phrases Challenge

Yet another excuse to indulge my vanity

3 min readJan 24, 2023
Don’t dislike anything when you can be Purplepaw instead — Image from, modified by author

The Five Favorite Phrases (Frases?) Challenge is simple — report the five phrases you love…and the five phrases you hate. It sounds easy, but I had to go through a day and take notes in order to figure it out.

This Challenge began with Claudia Ciobanu; you may see her original post below.

I was challenged by Jill Eng, who knew for a fact I could not turn down an opportunity to do two things:

  1. To display my love for — and snobbery around — the English language.
  2. To talk about myself.

You may see Jill’s post below.

Phrases I do not like

When I eat dinner, I prefer to eat my least favorite portions first. I think of dinner partly like waking up at 5:00 AM to eat a frog and take a cold shower. Luckily, no frogs were harmed in the writing of this article.

Most of these hated phrases come from misuse of language. If you’ve read even a single article I wrote, you will see I appreciate the nuances of language even as I resist the vagaries of language. With that…

  1. “…literally [YOUR FIGURATIVE PHRASE HERE]…”
    I see this almost every day — enough said, I hope!
  2. “And of course, I don’t need to tell you [YOUR OBVIOUS THING HERE]…”
    OK, great, please don’t.
  3. “I’m sorry to bother you…”
    I think it’s a bit late for that, isn’t it?
  4. “It would behoove us to…”
    If you have an opinion, just say it. No need to be mealy-mouthed.
  5. Any phrase that needs an asterisk in order not to offend. Wrote something you believe is really edgy because you use profanity? I don’t give a d*ng.

Phrases I do like

Now that the vegetable and dry white toast are out of the way, we can eat the better part of dinner. To me, that is cous-cous or some kind of pasta. As long as I don’t have to wake up at 5:00 AM, I’m easy to please.

Regarding the phrases — I appreciate intelligence, but I adore wisdom. Wisdom comes (in part) from being capable of seeing when your intelligence fails you. It also comes from being kind and friendly. With that…

  1. “Hey, babe…”
    A new friend of mine said this and it really clicked. I’m not Barb Wire by a long shot, but I am still surprised by my positive reaction. It just feels fun!
  2. “I don’t know. Let’s find out.”
    It takes courage to say you don’t know something. It also gives us both the opportunity to learn!
  3. “On a completely unrelated note…”
    Usually happens just before the phrase above. I don’t want to think strictly by agenda. Derail as necessary.
  4. “Oh, dang…”
    I find it easier to acknowledge I made an error than pretend I didn’t.
  5. “Thank you, ma’am!”
    As a transgender woman, any affirmation of femininity is welcome!

Your turn!

And that’s the Five Favorite Phrases Challenge from Amethysta! Thank you, Jill, for inviting me to do it!

But now…I get to come up with my own targets…er…willing participants!

I hereby challenge the following writers to display their Five Favorite Phrases for all to see and enjoy. Or at least to see.

Jenny Starr✨


Kitty Whitemore

Ari Jensine 🦄✨

Stephanie Moga


I know you have it in you, ladies. Get writing!




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