10 Common Issues with Outsourcing and How to Overcome Them

Amethyst Beck
6 min readJan 10, 2023


10 Common Issues with Outsourcing and How to Overcome Them

The growing tendency of firms outsourcing some of their work is influenced by a variety of variables. The main factor is its cost-effectiveness, but there are other crucial factors as well, such as access to a larger talent pool and general efficiency because you can focus on your primary goals.

In 2019, $92.5 billion was spent on outsourcing services globally. However, if outsourcing Philippines were risk-free and flawless, we wouldn’t talk about the issues with its execution. What are the most typical issues you’ll run into when hiring a vendor to complete a work, and how can you avoid them?

Unreliable Cost Estimate

Although we did claim that outsourcing will help you save a significant amount of money, if it is not carefully planned, it could backfire. And without identifying exact requirements, dates, resources, etc., you cannot estimate expenses. This takes us to one of the most difficult problems with outsourcing: coming up with a precise cost estimate.

  • Solution: establish precise project specifications

If you need assistance identifying the precise set of needs for the project, look for an experienced company or independent contractor. To prevent unforeseen fees, find out how the pricing model functions by asking as many questions as you can. To prevent future misunderstandings, let the merchant know what your financial restrictions are.

Lack of Prior Outsourcing Experience

It could be daunting the first time you start working with someone or on anything. Best practises, popular concepts, and the workflow is unfamiliar to you. It is a challenging undertaking that shouldn’t be underrated to communicate your vision to another set of people, particularly someone you have never worked with before.

  • Solution: find a knowledgeable vendor

An expert vendor will guide you through the procedure, assist you in avoiding bottlenecks, and help you reduce any dangers that may be present. They will assist you in defining requirements, carrying out the discovery process, and locating the most qualified candidates. The fact is, though, that outsourcing is dangerous, and if it’s a risk you’re prepared to take, the correct provider will be available to support you every step of the way.

Insufficient experience with the outsourced task

The lack of skill in outsourcing is another issue. When you outsource Big Data analytics or JavaScript software development to a third-party provider because you lack the necessary experience, you probably won’t be able to evaluate the outcomes of their work properly. You run the danger of making poor recruiting or evaluating decisions if you don’t have a comprehensive understanding of the variations in technology and solutions.

  • Solution: broaden the knowledge base

The most crucial step in avoiding this problem is establishing precise performance criteria for the project. You might wish to bring on board someone who can set task criteria and more precisely track the vendor’s performance. Choose a vendor who is experienced and reliable enough to assist you in understanding the workflow and outcomes if you are unable to hire another member of staff.

Choosing a Reliable Vendor

Among other issues with outsourcing, you can have trouble finding a vendor of the appropriate size. You won’t have the opportunity for expansion with a tiny outsourcing company because it will be difficult to scale up or down. A larger outsourcing company might treat you less kindly and overcharge you for your assignment.

  • Solution: try to strike a balance

Analyze your business objectively by looking at its size, personnel, income, brand recognition, and other factors. If you are just starting out, avoid using a big outsourcing firm. You could pay an internal specialist’s salary with the money you would spend on it. Choosing the lowest vendor on the market, however, increases the likelihood of receiving subpar outcomes.

Inadequate knowledge transfer

Poor knowledge transfer contributes to two issues with outsourcing: the first is from your viewpoint, and the second is from the vendor’s side.

When dealing with project outcomes after the vendor relationship has ended, you might have an unpleasant experience. If they didn’t maintain good documentation, you can run upon features or routines that aren’t entirely clear to you. On the other hand, the vendor can fall short of your expectations if they inherit a running project from you without following a clear knowledge transfer procedure.

  • Solution: preserve a detailed and comprehensive record

Create a thorough knowledge transfer plan that includes the features, technology, and code logic. The project should be understandable to your vendor only by reading your published regulations. If that is still insufficient, set up calls or meetings with the outsourcing firm.

Insufficient cultural context

It may not be obvious to someone who has never worked on a multicultural development team, but cultural context and regional differences do contribute. Although diversity has been shown to foster innovation and improve financial outcomes over the long run, it may initially result in misconceptions and poor communication. Additionally, as you will be targeting a global audience, you may need to adjust to collaborating with people in various time zones.

  • Solution: Never undervalue the importance of cultural distinctions

You might create diversity awareness training programmes for your workers and communicate your values and conventions to freelancers as part of this solution to the outsourcing dilemma. To get everyone on the same page, make sure to establish clear communication lines and schedule regular calls.

Due to centuries of influences from Asia, Spain, and the United States, the Philippines has a varied cultural heritage. Because of this, Filipinos have become increasingly approachable and easy to deal with; they are also very customer-focused, social, friendly, and motivated. This makes partnering with an offshoring company Philippines a good choice to start with.

Unsuccessful team communication and coordination

Although it may be overused, communication is crucial to success. You might believe that what you are saying is being understood as you intended, but remember that everyone has a unique perspective due to their experiences, education, and background.

  • Solution: Implementation of ongoing communication

Make sure that discussions, continuous feedback, and other communication tactics are incorporated into your project timeline and that communication is a key component of the workflow. If at all possible, you should also arrange to meet in person so that you can have discussions that foster deeper empathy and understanding.

Seeking Reliable Vendors

The most frequent cause of outsourcing failure is teaming up with an inappropriate agency. The significance of finding a reliable seller has been stated numerous times.

  • Solution: Put in the necessary effort

The information you may obtain online can occasionally be very uneven, with one website featuring only favourable reviews and another featuring a large number of critical ones. Visit the homepages of reputable suppliers to read about their experiences and situations.

Loss of sense of control

You can’t anticipate having the same level of control over an external team as you would over an internal one, whether you’re outsourcing a single project or an entire department.

When the outsourcing firm is not guided by the same standards and goals as your parent company, issues can occur. If left unchecked, certain outsourcing providers may reduce quality to boost profitability, which will impact the quality of your services.

Additionally, it will take longer for you to execute changes to your company’s services and products in your staff leasing, and the less power you have over the situation. Again, this has an impact on the adaptability and productivity of your company.

  • Solution: Thorough evaluation

Look for a trustworthy service company that enables you to have some influence over your outsourced procedure.

The location and accessibility of communication between the outsourced crew and the outsourcing firm affect the level of control.

For instance, if you’re outsourcing to a foreign nation, you’ll have less control. In order to resolve this problem, you might set up routine meetings or phone conversations with the outsourced company and request reports.

Legal and Contractual Procedures

Compared to the internal hiring process, the legal outsourcing process is less standard and strongly influenced by the vendor’s location. Depending on the nation, you may be asked to sign a number of other documents that are not required by local law. After contracts are signed and work has started, outsourcing issues arise since minor contract errors could have devastating consequences and damage your vendor relationship as a whole.

  • Solution: When it comes to legalese, be meticulous and thorough

Make sure to have the NDA and any other necessary legal documentation prepared for the outsourcing company to sign. Don’t forget to tackle security issues and cover every facet of the procedure, including what would happen if your provider is incapable or makes a mistake. Your contract should have clauses addressing compensation, working conditions, the freelancer’s responsibilities, ownership information, and other essential matters.



Amethyst Beck

writing has always been a part of my life, putting my thoughts into words regardless of how chaotic it may seem, this is my safe haven