Relationship Green Flags: 6 Good Signs You Must Look For

Amethyst Beck
4 min readOct 6, 2022


Relationship Green Flags: 6 Good Signs You Must Look For

We all know the feeling of being head-over-heels in love — that butterflies in your stomach, can’t-eat, can’t-sleep kind of feeling. And when you’re in a relationship, it’s easy to ignore some red flags because you’re just so darn happy. But there are certain green flags that shouldn’t be ignored either, because they could be indicative of a healthy and long-lasting relationship. In a relationship, green flags are those promising indicators that appear and may rock you to your core since they’re so dang rare.

Red flags attract a lot of attention in the dating scene, even though some individuals choose to ignore them. They range from seemingly harmless actions like love bombing to talking trash about ex-partners. It’s crucial to watch out for signs that a person is highly toxic, so this “negativity bias” isn’t entirely worthless, of course. However, if you only focus on the negatives, you can miss out on something truly amazing.

Open communications are well-established

Communication is essential in any healthy relationship, despite how often you’ve heard it said. It won’t come as a surprise to you to realise that being able to communicate with your partner in a way that is healthy and productive and in which both of you feel truly seen and heard. When speaking, a good communicator will employ “I statements” and refrain from blaming you for what they did.

However, some people find it difficult to communicate, particularly if they grew up in an environment where doing so wasn’t encouraged or valued. Because of this, acknowledging communication issues and being willing to address them is a green flag.

They also have good relationships with other people

Having strong relationships with other people — whether we’re talking about close friendships or family ties — is an indication that you should pay attention. This not only demonstrates their capacity for good communication in a range of relationship contexts, but also that their existence doesn’t depend entirely on you. You want a partner that is open to making room for you in their life despite having other commitments and connections.

Your boundaries are respected

The boundaries you set for yourself in relationships serve as a means of ensuring your safety and comfort as well as a way to respect yourself and others. According to a licensed clinical mental health counsellor, Dr. Shanita Brown, claims that when someone crosses or even significantly pushes certain borders, it should raise a red alert.

They won’t get upset or keep trying to convince you to give in if a particular sexual activity makes you uncomfortable or if you’re just not interested in engaging in it. Honouring boundaries is about “feeling encouraged and safe to be vulnerable,” in addition to respect.

Along with communication, getting comfy about the getting extra protection during sex is also a green flag. If you are looking for maximum protection, Durex is a good option. Meanwhile, giving them a choice of assorted condom pack or female condoms is a great idea in making them feel that their choices and decisions are relevant and important.

If you tell someone who respects boundaries that you value your alone time and don’t like to shop with others, they may inquire about your feelings but they won’t put you on the spot, even if they’d rather tag along with you.

On the other hand, it’s a huge old green sign when someone respects and is interested in your boundaries and needs. It’s an appreciation of your identity and a receptive acceptance of the self-imposed restrictions you’ve put in place.

When you’re around them, you feel better about yourself

When someone dismisses you or who doesn’t seem to recognize your finest attributes is a major red warning, therefore feeling confident in yourself can be a significant green indicator. Although it’s not recommended that you rely solely on your partner’s approval of you for your sense of worth, it’s normal to feel more confident when you perceive others to be appreciating you.

It’s wonderful to be able to value who you are because other people acknowledge your talents and uniqueness. A good working relationship can serve as a mirror through which to reflect your best qualities.

They always got your back

When you get home and convey bad news to them, they comfort you and help you find a solution. No matter what life throws your way, your relationship will always have your back. Whether you’re facing good times or bad, they’ll be there to support you and help you through whatever comes your way. That’s the strength of a great relationship — knowing that no matter what, you can always count on each other.

Feeling like a team while you’re with someone is a terrific indication of a healthy coupling, even though you are separate individuals with separate lives and interests. You have the impression that they are concerned about you and have your back when they help you with your chores, or take care of you when you are sick.

They provide you freedom and form connections with others

Wanting someone to have their own interests and ambitions outside of the partnership is a necessary component of loving them. The cliché of “two become one” is actually a warning sign. Even those who are really in love shouldn’t spend all of their time together.

A green flag is when you spend time with the other significant individuals in your life, there is no jealousy or animosity, and you don’t feel bad about having time for yourself. Someone worth your time will appreciate witnessing your development and excitement for other people and pursuits rather than sulking or making passive-aggressive remarks about your life outside of the relationship — your friends, family, and hobbies.



Amethyst Beck

writing has always been a part of my life, putting my thoughts into words regardless of how chaotic it may seem, this is my safe haven