Transforming Sexual Life Totally Through Sexual Meditation

Amethyst Beck
5 min readNov 15, 2022


Transforming Sexual Life Totally Through Sexual Meditation

It is well known that meditation is good for your health, and numerous scientific studies have looked into these advantages. It was discovered that by practising meditation daily for just 20 minutes for a few weeks, you will experience its benefits.

Everything in your life can be improved by meditation. It promotes mindfulness and promotes personal development. You get calmer and healthier through meditation. It also makes your sexual life better. Due to the fact that sex entails spiritual, physical, and emotional engagement, meditating might improve your connection towards your partner.

It might seem unlikely that meditation would lead to amazing sex, but let’s just say that mindfulness could be quite helpful to you in the bedroom. We have waited far too long to investigate the effects of meditation on sex because it has been connected for far too long with asceticism and monks. Here’s how top five reasons why meditation enhances your sexual life:

Stress is reduced with meditation, which ultimately leads to increased orgasms.

An exceptionally effective method of lowering stress is meditation. It follows that by lowering cortisol and adrenaline levels, meditation can enhance sexual desire and performance. Do you feel sexually excited when you are stressed? Consider this. Most likely not.

The majority of us are stressed out, whether it is because of our jobs, our relationships, our finances, or a variety of other real or imagined factors. Cortisol and adrenaline levels rise in response to stress, and these elevated levels of cortisol and adrenaline reduce sexual arousal and performance (among other negative effects). For instance, elevated cortisol levels have been associated with erectile dysfunction and may make it more difficult for women to orgasm.

Your body releases adrenaline in response to stress, fear, anxiety, concern, and frustration, which narrows your blood vessels and is detrimental to achieving a satisfactory erection.

Fortunately, there are contraceptives available, like Naked condoms, which are special featured condoms designed to intensify the arousal of your partner’s desire for sexual activity. Since non-latex condoms are more heat-conductive and can produce a more natural sensation during sex, they are also a good option.

There is a rationale behind the existence of pre-sex mating rituals in practically all civilizations since the dawn of humanity. A good dinner, champagne, scallops, and entertainment can all help you relax and get in the mood for sex. You are more likely to enjoy the act and reach the climax if you enter it with more ease.

Your state of fight-or-flight is changed by meditation to one of stay and play. Meditation and tension reduction have been related in numerous research. A few days after beginning a meditation practice, cortisol and adrenaline levels fall. Dopamine and serotonin, two pleasant neurotransmitters, are thought to be produced in greater amounts in the brain during meditation. Your sexual appetite and the intensity of your orgasm are both increased by the brain’s pleasure chemistry.

You can better understand your partner by meditating.

Improved brain activity and empathic accuracy are both associated with meditation. Translation? Your companion might assume you’re psychic if you meditate.

This relates to mirror neuron research in science. Imagine mirror neurons as little boomerangs that are released from your brain and dance with the mirror neurons of your partner before returning to you. Mirror neurons allow you to “intuit” what your partner is feeling. They are the reason you shudder when you see someone getting wounded. They might even contribute to the billion-dollar industry that is porn. Even just observing someone else enjoying themselves might make you feel good.

People who meditate may be more perceptive and kind partners since meditation may enhance the functioning of your mirror neurons and you’ll be more relaxed and present.

Deep sleep from meditation provides you greater energy for sexual activity.

How many instances have you experienced like your reason for not wanting sex is fatigue? You’re not alone; fatigue is among the most prevalent causes of couples not having as much sex as they would like. Based on a recent study, one in four married or cohabiting Americans admit they frequently feel too exhausted for sex because they don’t get enough sleep.

Reduced weariness, less insomnia, and more “slow wave” sleep are all related to meditation. Your body receives intense slumber when you meditate, which makes you feel more awake later. You might need this boost of vitality after work to get you ready for some adult fun.

Through meditation, you become more focused and less distracted.

Our left brains are often overdeveloped. Reviewing the past and planning the future is the responsibility of the left brain. This can prevent us from being totally present in the present now, as this is the only period an orgasm can occur, and keep us stuck in a past/future cognitive cycle.

Present-moment awareness is controlled by the right brain, which is the portion of the brain that meditation exercises. In essence, the more time we spend meditating, the better our capacity to regulate the right and left hemispheres of the brain becomes. As a result, the work at hand receives increased focus, awareness, and processing power.

We are better able to listen into our body and truly feel the physical sensations when we are more present and concentrated, which leads to greater enjoyment. A preoccupied lover is also disliked by anyone.

You can quit seeking fulfilment from a partner with the aid of meditation.

Probably the worst phrase to come out of movies is “You complete me.” Nobody can make you whole. You cannot be completed by a spouse, a job, a degree, or a bunch of zeros in your savings account. You are the only place where you can find happiness. Additionally, it only exists in the present.

If you don’t meditate regularly or have other ways to find happiness, you’ll probably turn to other people or things for satisfaction. You will constantly be let down if you expect your partner to “fill you up” spiritually or physically since nothing outside of yourself has the power to grant you access to happiness. Happiness is a state of mind.

If you are 80% satisfied, the relationship will serve as a vehicle for delivering that fulfilment rather than a source of the other 20%.

Numerous techniques, including reducing stress and increasing attention to physiological sensations, can improve your sex life through meditation. Instead of using a monastic technique, I advise selecting one that was designed for people with active minds and schedules. It really can be simple — and oh, so much fun — with the correct method and the right instructor.



Amethyst Beck

writing has always been a part of my life, putting my thoughts into words regardless of how chaotic it may seem, this is my safe haven