How to Stake With Amforc on PolkadotIf you're moving from an exchange to self-custody or your tokens are not locked in staking already, then we recommend joining via…Jan 24, 2023Jan 24, 2023
How to Join Polkadot Nomination Pools via Staking DashboardNomination pools are one of the new key features to improve the staking system in the Polkadot ecosystem. The goal is to maximize the…Jan 23, 2023Jan 23, 2023
How to join Polkadot Nomination Pools DOT via polkadot.jsNomination pools are one of the new key features to improve the staking system in the Polkadot ecosystem. The goal is to maximize the…Jan 20, 2023Jan 20, 2023
Let us claim the Nomination Pool rewards for you.Until the following feature is implemented the pool members have to manage the rewards themselves, but you can let us do it for you with…Nov 18, 2022Nov 18, 2022
How to claim rewards in Kusama Nomination PoolsAfter joining a nomination pool, a member currently has to manage the accumulated rewards himself. These currently need to be claimed…Jun 17, 2022Jun 17, 2022
How to join Kusama Nomination Pools KSMNomination pools are one of the new key features to improve the staking system in the Dotsama ecosystem. The goal is to maximize the…May 30, 2022May 30, 2022