2 min readJul 31, 2023


Poem -

Across a screen too bright
Runs a line of words graciously
Vanishing into the edges,
making a return almost suddenly
A boy manages to catch a few words
‘Bad’ and ‘rains’ to be precise

Mummy in excitement had barrels rolled out for harvest
It’s a bad weather, she says
Joyous smiles for having read correctly radiates
Pensive perplexion washed that away just as fast
For the rains seldom showered in these parts
And we the kids loved a good bath in the rain
The warmth of a sunlit day too

Bless the rains
And the Sun
My spirit dampens only when she sets
Even then, the moonlight keeps us company
In the rains, the scorch, the cold and warmth
Us kids just see a day Alive

What is life without living
And what’s living with change
Without occurrences and lessons
The tulip fields of Netherlands are only worth watching thanks to change
Like winter gathers multitudes in the Alps by the year
And the pain of loss,
brings the distant back home
The joy of companionship is known to us,
thanks to loneliness
And the thrill of success is worth celebrating,
thanks to failures

To be Alive is to grow
To keep Living
Through the calm of dawn, and the bustle of noon, and the sloth of sundown
Just stay living
Embrace the self balancing emotions
And dread living-dead
For in that is true death

A great life is a life lived Alive
Awake to every feel
A life of sading and cries, and of happiness and laughter
And growth
Intertwined in perfect harmony
And when the sunlight blesses our paths a last time
Thanks to living Alive
The joy of rest is fully savoured.

For those who have seen my other works, I’m sure the transition is quite clear to you all. This journey of mine has been clarifying, nothing short of an eye opener to issues I struggled with in the past. And as always, Thanks for reading 💙💙💙