Journey with Geregè: IBC between Cosmos Hub and L2 ZK-Rollups

Amherst Labs: Geregè Protocol
5 min readJan 10, 2023


Geregè is a zk-SNARKs (zero knowledge succinct arguments of knowledge) optimised Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol between Cosmos Hub and Layer 2 (L2) rollups.


We are following a four-step approach to building our platform:

  • Step 0 — Foundation: Cairo Architecture
  • Step I— Multiple Rollups with Cosmos Hub: Solidity Architecture
  • Step II— Decentralised Multi-Rollup IBC
  • Step III — Geregè zk-Hardware

We expect to deploy Cairo architecture in within the next few months and be well on our way to integrate Solidity into our architecture by the end of 2023.


Amherst Labs is building Geregè, a decentralised cross-chain protocol utilizes zk-SNARKs in its IBC to facilitate the exchange of information between different blockchain networks. The use of zk-SNARKs enabled us to significantly increase the scalability of IBC while also offering enhanced security with lower gas consumption on our protocol.

With Geregè Protocol, we are tackling one of the most complex problems such as risk of censorship of centralised servers, IBC high gas consumption of verifying ed25519 signatures, and secure cross-chain communication between different ecosystem of blockchains. Our ultimate vision is enabling new use cases; the integration of these technologies could enable the development of new use cases and applications that require cross-chain interoperability, efficient asset transfers, and flexible scalability. For example, the integration of IBC with the Cosmos Hub and L2 zero-knowledge rollups (zk-rollups) could potentially enable the creation of new DeFi platforms, supply chain management systems, and other decentralised applications that require these capabilities.

Step 0 — Foundation

Amherst Labs has completed laying down some important foundations for Geregè protocol, including core architecture and zero-knowledge proofs (zk-proofs) on its IBC.

Layer 2

The concept of L2 technologies has been around since the early days of blockchain, and various approaches have been developed over the years to address the scalability, speed, and privacy limitations of first-generation blockchains. There are several different types of L2 technologies, including state channels, sidechains, and rollups, each with its own unique set of features and benefits. Geregè Protocol primarily focuses on zk-rollups, such as StarkNet, Polygon Hermez, zkSync, and Scroll, which offer improved scalability and speed while also providing enhanced privacy through the use of zk-proofs. These technologies can be used to enhance the capabilities of blockchains and make them more efficient, scalable, and effective as platforms for building decentralized applications and facilitating the exchange of information and value.


Geregè Protocol specifically focuses on zk-rollups, which use a zero-knowledge proofs (also known as validity proofs) to demonstrate that the post-state root is the correct result of executing a batch of transactions. These proofs, which are generated using zk-SNARK technology, can be very quickly verified on-chain, even if the underlying computation is complex and time-consuming. Geregè believes that zk-rollups will ultimately emerge as the preferred solution in a wide range of use cases, due to the continued development and improvement of zk-SNARK technology.

Unique Ecosystem Effect

In addition to the technical advantages of zk-rollups, Geregè is also interested in the unique ecosystems that have developed around zk-rollup chains. These ecosystems offer opportunities for developers and regular users to interact and engage with the technology in new and innovative ways. By connecting these ecosystems with Cosmos Hub, Geregè hopes to facilitate the exchange of information and value between different blockchain networks and create a more interconnected and interoperable ecosystem.

Step I and II: Cairo & Solidity Architectures

At Geregè Protocol, we are launching our first integration with StarkNet, a decentralized and permissionless L2 zk-rollup powered by STARK technology and running on the Ethereum blockchain. StarkNet is based on the Turing-complete Cairo programming language, which our team is already familiar with and has a strong relationship with the amazing StarkNet community. For these reasons, we have chosen to use Cairo as the foundation for our first integration with L2. By the end of 2023, we plan to expand our architecture to include Solidity, the programming language used by Polygon Hermez, zkSync, and Scroll, and connect these platforms to the Cosmos Hub.


While it is still possible for centralized servers to restrict certain transactions, the Geregè Protocol aims to mitigate this risk by connecting multiple servers or entities to provide roll-up services by connecting the Cosmos Hub to a range of zk-rollup providers. This allows users to choose the provider that best meets their needs in terms of compatibility and performance.

Step III — Geregè zk-Hardware

Geregè Protocol has improved gas efficiency by using zk-proofs to verify the validity of ed25519 signatures on zk-rollups, rather than performing the necessary curve operations within a Solidity or Cairo smart contract. This approach allows us to verify signatures without consuming excessive gas, which is an important consideration when it comes to running smart contracts on the blockchain. In addition to this, we are actively working on upgrades and iterations of proof generation that will further improve gas efficiency, such as recursive zk-SNARKs and the potential use of hardware acceleration. These efforts will help to ensure that our protocol remains efficient and scalable as it evolves and meets the needs of our users. We are committed to continuously improving the gas efficiency of our protocol and finding ways to make it more accessible and user-friendly for developers.

With Amherst Labs, one area that we are particularly excited about exploring the possibility of developing our own zero-knowledge hardware acceleration technology for computation. We believe that this could have significant benefits for our platform, including increased gas efficiency and faster transaction processing times.


Amherst Labs is developing the Geregè Protocol, an Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol that enables the exchange of information between the Cosmos Hub and Layer 2 rollups.

By using zk-SNARKs, Geregè is able to significantly increase the scalability of IBC while also providing enhanced security with lower gas consumption. This opens up new possibilities for cross-chain communication and the development of decentralised applications that require these capabilities, such as DeFi platforms, supply chain management systems, and more. We believe that Geregè has the potential to revolutionise the way that different blockchain networks communicate with each other and create new opportunities for innovation in the future of blockchain.

Inspire confidence through cross-chain security and robustness.

We welcome the developer community to join us on this exciting journey.

