Pompoir for Beginners

7 min readJul 20, 2019


by Sunshine

Pompoir can seem really intimidating if you read about it. The idea that a woman can contract her muscles may seem foreign to you if you haven’t begun to strengthen your pelvic floor. But even the most difficult task can be accomplished if you start slowly and work steadily. Pompoir is no different. This guide is a lesson on pompoir for beginners It will walk you through the foundation of a pompoir routine.

Before you start a pompoir beginner’s routine it’s important to know the steps involved. This guide is meant to tell you about and teach you the basics of a pompoir practice. First you have to gauge your strength, then you have to strengthen your pelvic floor, next you have to learn some foundational movements, and finally, you can put it all to good use.

Assessing your strength

In order to get where you’re going, you have to know where you are. Some women may find that they are very tone and can build vaginal strength very quickly. Others may find that they lack the muscle tone to contract their pelvic floor. The good news is no matter where you’re starting from, you can almost certainly build pelvic floor strength.

You can gauge your pelvic floor strength by contracting your pelvic floor muscles around your finger. Wash your hands thoroughly and lie on your back OBGYN style. Place one of your clean fingers into your vagina and do a Kegel. Perform the movement as hard as you can and see how much strength you have. If you can feel your vagina squeezing against your finger then you shouldn’t have an issue learning pompoir quickly. If you can’t feel any movement at all, you might want to start by purchasing some vaginal weights.

Learning the Basic Movement

In order to perform pompoir, you must be able to voluntarily contract your pelvic floor. This is also known as doing a Kegel. Kegels are necessary to learn pompoir, but pompoir is not the same thing as doing Kegels. If you have strong vaginal muscles and Kegel during sex, your partner will definitely be able to tell and it will feel good to them. Kegels are just part of the equation in pompoir. Whereas Kegels are a pulling motion, pompoir requires, pushing, pulling, isolating different areas of the vagina, moving areas independently etc.

To perform a Kegel, lay on your back with your legs folded at the knees like when you’re getting an exam. Imagine you have to fart but you’re trying to hold it. Now suck in that fart as high at it will go. Then let go. Try pulling in the fart again. To test if you are performing the move correctly try inserting a clean finger into your vagina. If you can feel the vagina move again your finger you are contracting your pelvic floor.

Building Strength

Now that you have assessed your strength the next step in pompoir for beginners is working on getting stronger. Progressive strength training is a requirement for pompoir. While you can perform contraction with moderate strength, the stronger you are the stronger your grip is going to be and the better it’s going to feel for you and your partner.

If you read 99 percent of articles about Kegels, they’ll never mention adding resistance. But resistance is crucial to your results. Muscles need resistance to grow. Your PC muscles are just like every other muscle you have in your body. You have to use resistance to help them grow.

There are a few tools you can use to add resistance. If you want the go the free route you can use your fingers. If you can feel a squeeze around your finger when you perform a kegel, you can keep squeezing harder and build strength.

Personally, I recommend tools for building strength. The best tool I’ve used is a Kegelmaster 2000. It gives you biofeedback so you know you are performing the move right and it has progressive resistance.

Yoni eggs are also a good option. They let you add progressive resistance and you can use them in a lot of different positions allowing you to be more mobile. You can tie weights or other objects to yoni eggs to increase resistance but you have to stand up to use them.

There is no set amount of strength that women must achieve to be strong enough. Most women will build strength until she meets her goals. Personally, I don’t think a woman needs to go beyond 5lbs of strength to be able to learn advanced pompoir techniques. That’s about as much strength as you get with a basic KegelMaster 2000

Learning to Ride the Elevator

This is an exciting next for in out pompoir for beginners lesson. Once you have built some strength through performing Kegels against resistance, you can begin to learn the foundational pompoir move. It’s called the elevator and it requires you to push and pull. Unlike a kegel, which just requires you to contract your muscles, the elevator has you engaging more of the pelvic floor and learning control and rhythm

I find it’s easiest to learn to perform this move while sitting on the toilet after you have peed. Since you are sitting on something hollow, your muscles can fully relax and you don’t run the risks of squeezing your abs and butt instead of your vaginal muscles.

To begin to sit on the toilet and bear down as if you are trying to push something out. If you’ve given birth you now the movement. Otherwise, push as if you are trying to get the last drop of pee out. Next slowing start to pull up the same way you kegel while slowly counting to 5. Pull in as hard as you can.

Once you have pulled in as hard as you can, do another 5 counts but this time slowly push back down again. Slower is better. By going slowly you can feel the individual muscles contract and release at every stage. Do this set 10 times. That means go up the elevator 10 times and then go back down again 10 times.

Basic Suction and Exercises

Once you have mastered the elevator, you can perform basic suction exercises during sex to heighten the experience. The easiest move you can do is push-pull. This will give your partner the feeling of being sucked by your vagina and will increase the friction and therefore the pleasure.

If you have built strength and worked on controlling your muscles voluntarily then the next part should be easy. All it requires is that you put all that practice to work. The same movement you learned sitting on the toilet you can perform while having sex.

How To Do It

After you are fully aroused and lubricated either by your own fluids or with a good water-based lube, have your partner enter you. Let him get a few strokes in so you are both warmed up. As he goes to trust in. Push down as if you are trying to push him out. As he pulls out squeeze as if you are trying to suck him back in.

Here’s where your training comes in play. Since you have practiced your elevator routine, you should have enough control to push and pull rhythmically. As you speed increases push and pull faster. As you speed decreases pull and push more slowly. This is an awesome next step in pompoir for beginners. It gives you some added confidence and you can see your hard work paying off.

The Kicker

This is going to feel really good for both of you. He gets the friction and the feeling of suction, you get the added benefits of a strong and more responsive pelvic floor and hopefully that leads to orgasms for both of you woot! If you continue to squeeze and push as he’s climaxing you will give him the sensation of having the cum sucked out of him.

This is a basic lesson for women who want to start to take control and learn how to strengthen and control their pelvic floor for maximum pleasure. This is not something that can be learned overnight but in 3 months you can build strength and master the basics of pompoir. After you assess your starting point, build strength, learn the basics, and put it into action, you will notice a difference.

I hope you enjoyed this pompoir for beginners lesson. Stay tuned for more lessons and more information about pompoir for beginners and intermediate practitioners. If you have any questions leave me a comment below.




Hi, I’m Sunshine. I’m obsessed with vaginas, Kegels, and vaginal weightlifting. You can find me at my favorite Pho spot or at TheTightVaginaSite.com