10 Fun Scratch Projects for Beginners

Bitan G
10 min readJan 9, 2023



Scratch is a programming language that’s projected to be easy and delightful for newcomers to learn. It’s perfect for those who are just starting to learn about programming and want to create their own interactive systems. In this composition, we will go through 10 fun Scratch systems that are suitable for newcomers. These systems will give a great preface to the world of programming and help you develop your chops in a fun and engaging way.

project 1: create a Simple Game

One of the most delightful effects you can do with Scratch is to create your own games. Scratch provides a range of blocks that allow you to create all feathers of games, from platformers to firing games. To get started, you’ll need to create a new Scratch project and add a background and some sprites. You can use the erected- in Scratch sprites or import your own images. To create a simple platformer game, you can use the” move 10 way” block to make your sprites move left or right. You can also use the” if on edge, brio” block to make your sprites brio off the edge of the screen. To create obstacles or adversaries for your sprites to avoid, you can use the” when sprites touches” block and add a script to make the sprites vanish or lose a life. To make your game more intriguing, you can add power- ups or lagniappes for your sprites to collect. You can also use the” stay” block to create detainments between conduct or the” reprise” block to make a script reprise multiple times. With a little creativity and some trial and error, you can create a fun and engaging game in Scratch.

Project 2: Make a Quiz

Another fun project you can create by Scratch is a quiz. You can use Scratch’s multiple choice blocks to create a quiz on any content you like, similar as calculation, wisdom, or history. To get started, you’ll need to create a new Scratch project and add a background and some sprites. You can use the erected- in Scratch sprites or import your own images.

To create the quiz, you can use the” ask” block to prompt the stoner to answer a question. You can also use the” if” block to check whether the stoner’s answer is correct. However, you can use the” say” block to display a communication saying” Correct!” and move on to the coming question, If the answer is correct. However, you can use the” say” block to display a communication saying” Incorrect” and allow the stoner to try again, If the answer is incorrect.

To make the quiz more intriguing, you can add images or sounds to go on with the questions. You can also use the” stay” block to create detainments between questions or the” reprise” block to create multiple rounds of questions. With a little creativity and some exploration, you can create a fun and educational quiz in Scratch.

project 3: Animate a Character

Scratch is a great tool for animated characters and bringing them to life. To get started, you will need to create a new Scratch project and add a sprites( a character or object) to the stage. You can choose a sprites from the Scratch library, or you can create your own by drawing a costume using the makeup editor.

Once you have your sprites ready, you can start animated it using Scratch’s stir and control blocks. For illustration, you can use the” move 10 way” block to make your sprites move across the stage, or the” turn 15 degrees” block to make it rotate. You can also use the “ stay 1 alternate” block to add pauses between conduct.

To add personality and character to your sprites, try using Scratch’s sound and speech blocks. For illustration, you can make your sprites say commodity when it’s clicked, or play a sound when it’s moved. You can also use Scratch’s costume blocks to create different expressions or acts for your sprites.

Project 4: create a Music Player

Scratch’s sound blocks make it easy to create a simple music player. To get started, you will need to add some audio lines to your Scratch project. You can find a wide variety of free sound effects and music tracks in the Scratch library, or you can use your own audio lines by uploading them to your project.

Once you have your audio lines ready, you can use Scratch’s sound blocks to control them. For illustration, you can use the” play sound” block to start playing a sound, or the” stop all sounds” block to stop all sounds from playing. You can also use the” set volume to 50%” block to acclimate the volume of a sound.

To customize your music player, you can use Scratch’s variables and control blocks. For illustration, you can create a variable to keep track of which track is presently playing, and use control blocks to create buttons for switching between tracks. You can also use the makeup editor to create reader cover art for your music player.

Project 5: Project a Website

To create a website in Scratch, you will need to use the” when flag clicked” block to start your project and the” go to( url)” block to navigate to a specific website. You can also use the” set( variable) to( value)” block to create variables that store information, similar as the title of your website or the textbook of a particular runner.

To make your website visually appealing, you can use Scratch’s drawing blocks to create graphics and the “ set textbook color to( color)” block to change the color of your textbook. You can also use the” set background( color)” block to change the background color of your website.

Tips on how to make the website visually appealing and easy to navigate

• Use a clear, easy- to- read font for your textbook

• Use consistent formatting and layout throughout your website

• Use headlines and heads to organize your content

• Use pellet points or numbered lists to make your content easier to overlook

• Use images and graphics to break up large blocks of textbook and make your website more visually intriguing

Project 6: Make a simple physics simulation

Step- by- step instructions for creating a simple physics simulation using Scratch

1. Open Scratch and create a new project.

2. Create your simulation terrain using the” background” blocks, the” pen” blocks, and the” sound” blocks.

3. Create your objects using the” shapes” blocks or the” makeup” tool.

4. Give your objects parcels, similar as mass and haste, using the” variables” blocks.

5. Add physics actions to your simulation using the” graveness” and” disunion” blocks.

6. Use the” collision” blocks to descry when objects collide and spark events.

7. Add fresh objects and actions using the” control” and” seeing” blocks.

8. Test your simulation and make any necessary adaptations.

9. Partake your simulation with others by uploading it to the Scratch website or participating the project train.

Project 7 :Animate a Scene

To create a simple scene vitality using Scratch, follow these way .

1. Open Scratch and create a new project.

2. Drag out a” when flag clicked” block and place it in the scripting area. This block will start the vitality when you click the green flag.

3. Drag out a” ever” circle and place it inside the” when flag clicked” block. This circle will allow the vitality to repeat indefinitely.

4. Inside the ever circle, drag out a” move 10 way” block. This block will make your character or object move 10 way in the direction it’s facing.

5. Customize the scene by adding a background and characters or objects. You can do this by clicking on the” Looks” and” spritess” tabs in the top menu and opting the asked images or drawing your own.

6. Use the” point in direction” block to change the direction that your character or object is facing. This can be used to make your character or object move in different directions or to change its position on the screen.

7. Use the” stay” block to break the vitality for a certain quantum of time. This can be used to create a sense of movement or to add dramatic effect to the scene.

Ideas for Different Types of Scenes to Animate-

• Nature: Animate a scene in a timber, on a sand, or in a mountain range

• Cityscape: Animate a scene in a megacity, with structures, business, and people

• External space: Animate a scene on a different earth or in space, with globes, stars, and worlds

Project 8: create a Story

To create a simple choose- your- own- adventure style story using Scratch, follow these way .

1. Open Scratch and create a new project.

2. Drag out a” when flag clicked” block and place it in the scripting area. This block will start the story when you click the green flag.

3. Add a background and characters or objects to your story by clicking on the” Looks” and” sprites” tabs in the top menu and opting the asked images or drawing your own.

4. Use the” say” block to display dialogue or textbook on the screen. This can be used to introduce the story and set the scene.

5. Use the” ask” block to ask the anthology a question and store their answer in a variable. This variable can be used to determine which path the story will take.

6. Use the” if” and” differently” blocks to create branches in the story grounded on the anthology’s choices. For illustration, if the anthology chooses one option, the story will continue down one path, and if they choose a different option, the story will follow a different path.

7. Use the” stay” block to break the story for a certain quantum of time. This can be used to make suspension or to create a sense of movement.

Suggestions for How to Make the Story More Interactive and Engaging

• Add choices or mystifications for the anthology to break

• Use sound music to enhance the mood of the story

• Use variables and tentative statements to create branching stories

• Include illustrations or images to help bring the story to life

• Add a unit motor that allows the stoner to convert between different units of dimension(e.g. elevation to centimeters, pounds to kilograms)

• Add a tip calculator that calculates the total cost of a mess, including a tip grounded on the stoner’s asked tip chance

• Add a BMI calculator that calculates the stoner’s body mass indicator grounded on their height and weight

Project 9: Create a greeting card

Scratch’s drawing blocks are a great way to create a simple and individualized greeting card. To get started, create a new Scratch project and select the” Backgrounds” tab. From then, you can choose a color or pattern for the background of your card. You can also import an image from your computer by clicking the” Import” button.

Next, elect the” Sprites” tab and create a new sprites for your greeting. You can either draw your greeting using the delineation tools handed or import an image from your computer. Add textbook to your greeting by using the” Say” block and customize the font, size, and color to your relish.

To make your greeting card more interactive, you can use Scratch’s control blocks to create buttons that change the background or play sound effects when clicked. You can also use the” stay” block to add detainments and create a sense of vitality. Once you’ve finished projecting your greeting card, you can partake it with others by clicking the” Share” button. You can also save it to your computer by clicking the” Download” button.

Tips on how to customize the card and make it particular

• Add particular traces to the card by importing images of your own or using your own delineations

• Use Scratch’s makeup editor to customize the colors and patterns of the background and sprites

• Add sound effects or music to the card by importing audio lines or using Scratch’s sound blocks

• Use the” Say” block to add a particular communication or chatting to the card

Project 10: Make a stop- motion animation

stop- motion animation is a fun and creative way to bring insensible objects to life. With Scratch’s camera blocks, you can fluently create your own stop- motion animation .

To get started, set up your camera and gather the objects you want to use in your vitality. Next, create a new Scratch project and elect the” Camera” tab. From then, you can use the” Take a picture” block to take a series of pictures that will be used in your vitality.

To add movement to your vitality, rearrange the objects in between each picture. You can use Scratch’s control blocks to create a circle that will allow you to take multiple pictures in a row.

To make your stop- motion animation more intriguing, you can add sound effects or music using Scratch’s sound blocks. You can also use Scratch’s drawing blocks to add textbook or special effects to your vitality. Once you’ve finished your stop- motion animation , you can partake it with others by clicking the” Share” button. You can also save it to your computer by clicking the” Download” button.

Ideas for how to add creative rudiments to the animation

• Use a variety of objects to add visual interest to your vitality

• Trial with different lighting and camera angles to create different moods

• Add sound effects or music to enhance the overall experience of the vitality

• Use Scratch’s drawing blocks to add special effects or textbook to your vitality


In conclusion, Scratch is a great programming language for newcomers to learn and have fun with. The systems listed in this composition are just a many exemplifications of the numerous possibilities that Scratch offers. From creating simple games and quizzes to animated characters and scenes, Scratch allows users to unleash their creativity and develop their programming chops. We hope that these 10 fun Scratch systems for newcomers have inspired you to try out Scratch and experiment with different ideas. Flash back to keep exploring and learning, as there are endless possibilities with Scratch. As you gain further experience, you can challenge yourself to create more complex systems and continue to grow as a programmer. So do not be hysterical to get started and have fun with Scratch!

