More About Legatum Prosperity

3 min readAug 10, 2018


“President Trump’s nomination of Mr. Brennan disregards the longstanding, bipartisan process in Wisconsin that has informed the selection of federal judges in my state,” Baldwin said. “This is a particularly troubling step at a time when institutions and traditions of democracy seem under constant attack, and bipartisanship feels like a fading concept.”

More Prosperity Will Knock Your Door

At AFP’s 2009 Defending the Dream summit, David Koch said he and his brother Charles provided the initial funding for AFP.[75][76][77] In initial funding, David Koch was the top contributor to the founding of the AFP Foundation at $850,000.[78][79] Several American companies also provided initial funding of the AFP Foundation, including $275,000 from State Farm Insurance and lesser amounts from 1–800 Contacts, medical products firm Johnson & Johnson, and carpet and flooring manufacturer Shaw Industries.[78][79]

“To me it’s not surprising that the Koch brothers, billionaire corporate leaders, would want to invest their money in the fight to get judges to uphold their corporate rights,” Lucius said. “They think this is money well spent because they are trying to tilt the bench. They are trying not to have rule of law that rules against them, but instead they want to get more people into lifetime positions that will rule in favor of corporate interests over individual interests.”

More Prosperity Legatum

Conservatives Mobilize Grass-roots Activists To Promote Trump Judges
AFP advocates for a reduction in public sector union benefits and pensions, in conjunction with curtailments of public sector collective bargaining rights.[75][107] AFP has opposed raising the minimum wage.[108][109]

Later grants from the Koch family foundations include $1 million in 2008 to AFP from the David H. Koch Charitable Foundation[13] and $3 million between 2005 and 2007 to the AFP Foundation from the Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation,[80] controlled by Charles Koch.[13] Other grants from Koch-related funding sources include $32.3 million in 2012 and $1.5 million in 2013 from Freedom Partners[81][82][83] and $4.2 million through 2011 to the AFP Foundation from the Center to Protect Patient Rights.[84]


Become aware of the beliefs that may be blocking the flow of money in your life. Then change those beliefs and begin to create new, abundant thinking. Even if no one else in your family has done this, you can open your mind to the concept of money flowing into your life.

Sometimes people think that their financial problems will be solved by inheriting money from a long-lost relative or winning the lottery. Sure, you can fantasize about such things, or even buy an occasional lottery ticket for fun, but please don’t put a lot of attention on acquiring money in this way. This is scarcity thinking, or poverty thinking, and it won’t bring lasting good into your life. Anyway, when it comes to the lottery, winning seldom brings positive changes into anyone’s life. In fact, within two years, most lottery winners have lost almost all of their money, have nothing to show for it, and are often worse off financially than before. The problem with money acquired in this way is that it rarely solves any problems. Why? Because it doesn’t involve changing your consciousness. In effect, you’re saying to the Universe: “I don’t deserve to have good in my life except by a fluke chance.”
A conservative group funded by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch is turning its attention to a new front: promoting federal judges at the grass-roots level. Americans for Prosperity is willing to spend nearly $1 million to confirm judges this year. Those lifetime appointments could reshape the courts for a generation.

Kristine Lucius of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights said that’s not the full story. Lucius pointed out that the current nominee, Michael Brennan, wrote an opinion piece supporting Republican efforts to block President Obama’s pick for that same job. The delay strategy worked.

AFP is a member of the Internet Freedom Coalition, which opposes net neutrality.[229][230][231] AFP’s vice president for policy Phil Kerpen chaired the Coalition.[229] AFP supported January 2014’s federal appeals court ruling against the Federal Communication Commission’s authority to enforce net neutrality.[195][232] AFP urged Congress to legislatively pre-empt regulation of the internet.[233]

