Amigo Infoservices Delhi has Great Work from Home Jobs

Amigo Infoservices
4 min readJul 24, 2019


Amigo Infoservices Delhi offers great work from home jobs to various job seekers. We are a prominent player in the business process outsourcing industry and have a wide range of job roles available with us. We encourage potential applicants to join and work from home. Amigo Infoservices jobs are technology-based and can be done by people with access to computers and high-speed internet. If you are a technical professional and looking to build a successful career in the BPO industry, then you should look no further than Amigo Infoservices Tilak Nagar.

The major benefits for people who want to work from home for us are as follows:

Commuting for work can take up lot of time. Employees have to travel for long time duration to reach their office daily. The travel is generally very hectic and tiring. When you work from home, you do not have to go through this treacherous and stressful commute every day. You can save lot of time and stress by not traveling to your office daily and instead working from home. The time spend on commuting is very unproductive and something which you can never get back. Working from home allows you to make use of the time saved from commuting to more productive purposes. It also saves you the money involved in daily commute to work.

Working in an office can be very stressful for some people. An office is a high-pressure environment which can negatively affect some of us. Working from home is a lot less stressful than working in an office. You can be relaxed and work from the comfort of your home. You do not need to worry about being late to office or going through the unpleasant commute every day. This makes you focus better on the work and also helps to improve your efficiency and productivity.

When staff are given a congenial and stress-free environment to work in, they are happy and generally do not leave the organization. Working from home provides greater flexibility to employees and they can work in a more comfortable and conducive work environment. It also helps you to achieve a better work-life balance which is missing in today’s hectic lifestyle. You can also take care of their family members like small children or elderly parents who need more attention and time. Employees are less likely to leave such a job and move to an employer which does not provide such flexibility and perks of working from home.

Flexible offices and timings are becoming very sought-after by employees. The millennials are especially more inclined to take up such job offers. When an employer provides the flexibility and comfort of working from home, they can attract the best talents. Generally, companies lose out on good talents as they are unwilling to relocate to new locations due to their own reasons. However, the same persons can take up the job if they are allowed to work from their home. This ensures that the employers have access to the best talents for recruitment which further improves their productivity.

Working from home is an excellent motivation for employees. It appeals even more to the millennials who have grown up in the age of information technology and prefer flexible working hours and work culture. Working from home provides greater autonomy to the employees as they can setup their office environment according to their preferences. It also motivates the employees to work more diligently and give their best efforts which increases their productivity.

Businesses are trying to cut costs to improve their profitability. Allowing the staff, the flexibility of working from home brings in considerable economies of scale for both the employer and the employees. The employer does not have to spend heavily on large office spaces and can rent compact offices as employees will be working from home. You can also move to cheaper internet plans and reduce cost related to office consumables. The employees also benefit from it and can save costs which they would have otherwise incurred on daily commute to their offices, had they been working from their office.

Another significant advantage of allowing your staff to work from home is the reduced absenteeism and leaves. Globally, studies have indicated that staff take on an average 3.1 days of sick leaves in a year while those working from home only took 1.8 days of sick leaves. This can be attributed to the fact that employees who are mildly sick also tend to not travel to office as it can accentuate their illness. On the other hand, even if you are mildly sick, you can still work from the comfort of your home without worsening your health further. If you travel to office while you are sick, it can also spread to other employees who will also take sick leave in turn.

Most of us rarely find quality time to spend with our families due to being loaded with work. Working from home allows you to achieve an optimal work-life balance and spend more time with family. This keeps you in a better space mentally and emotionally and motivates you to work more efficiently.

Working from home also tends to increase your productivity as you are not working in a highly stressful and loud office environment. Working from home is a lot less stressful and pleasant which improves your efficiency and productivity. As per the Canada Life Survey, employees working from home ranked their productivity as 7.7 out of 10 compared to 6.5 out of 10 ranked by employees working from office. When you work from home you also eliminate any scope of office politics which can weigh you down and adversely affect your productivity at the workplace. A survey conducted by Stanford also found that employees working from home are found to be 13% more productive than those working from the office.

