Start Your Own Call Center Projects with Amigo Infoservices

Amigo Infoservices
3 min readFeb 8, 2019


Call Center Projects service for franchises, such as Amigo Infoservices facilitates the opening of franchises. Thanks to personalized works in which are managed one by one the potential investors for your franchise candidatures thanks to both internal databases external. Along with BPO Franchise, Amigo Infoservices also offer 100% genuine Data Entry Projects.

What is a Call Center Projects for franchises?

The Call Center Projects service is increasingly necessary to take care of the customer service of any company. Specifically, a Call Center for franchises is a new service focused on the expansion of franchise chains. A specific tool created to facilitate the growth of franchises through internal and external databases.

The innovative marketing consultancy specializing in franchising, Amigo Infoservices Tilak Nagar has years of experience. Our services are focused on the expansion of franchise chains. A unique tool developed to facilitate the growth of BOI franchise through internal and external databases.

Normally an external call or contact center is contracted for the sale of a product, but it can deal with many other issues: updates of databases, payment management, elaboration of surveys, reception of orders, claims or mailing follow-ups.

Thanks to this service of the brand new marketing consultancy Amigo Infoservices, the franchise system is already has a new way to attract potential franchisees through a marketing service, in which the consultant acts as a link between the franchisor exchange and the entrepreneurs.

The functionality of this tool is based on data management through an advanced CRM created by Amigo Infoservices and the capture of records through external databases, as well as email campaigns, presence at events, industry fairs, actions of leads generation and leas management and inbound marketing.

In this way, this exclusive Call Center system allows chains to generate the first contact with entrepreneurs already previously interested in their business concept. This model is ideal for those highly specialized brands that do not achieve results in traditional portals but also for those that have elements that clearly differ from the competition since the sale through a Call Center is more optimal.

The great benefits it brings to the chains are focused on a significant cut in expansion budgets, greater flexibility in openings and the possibility of growing organically thanks to a geographical plan according to the needs of the network,

Likewise, the Amigo Infoservices facilitates the meeting with the candidates either in their facilities or in the facilities of the franchise center.

Choose the best option:

Once the need to implement a call or contact center is detected, the next step is to decide which type of infrastructure is the most appropriate. And the biggest doubt is to opt for an internal call center or hire the services of a specialized external company.

A very specific call center, for example, of an insurer which requires very specific training, must be internal, made up of people who are usually on the workforce. This option provides more quality because the agents are qualified and are able to answer all the questions that customers can ask.

On the other hand, if the telephone action of the company is constant or if the brand image of the company is to be enhanced, the internal call center is the most appropriate option.

Amigo Infoservices — One of the leading BPO Franchise:

Amigo Infoservices is the new marketing consulting concept aimed at the franchise area. The innovative consultancy is focused on the development of innovative strategies and the application of powerful technology-based tools that allow companies to grow under the formula of the franchise. We also offer Data Entry Projects so you can easily start your own business today.

The aim of the Amigo Infoservices is to collaborate with the franchises in their expansion processes in an innovative way and in accordance with the new times in which new technologies play a key role.

Amigo Infoservices also offers Data Entry Projects.

Finally, this consultancy specialized in BPO franchise is composed of a large group of professionals with years of experience in the world of franchising, marketing, and new technologies. We have also developed important successful Data Entry Projects at all levels, both for small and medium-sized companies and for large franchise chains.

