What Makes Amigos do Miles Essential for Every Pet Owner? Find Out Here!

Amigos do Miles
5 min readApr 28, 2024
Amigos do Miles — Miles Drawing

In the world of pet ownership, Amigos do Miles emerges as a beacon for families with pets, offering a comprehensive platform to manage dogs and cats health, habits, and happiness [1]. Developed by Luana Lima and Pedro Fonseca, who were inspired by their beloved dog Miles, it stands committed to improving pet care, streamlining the management of daily medications, vet visits, and ensuring a happy life for pets [1][2].

This unique platform paves the way for pet owners to embrace a more organized approach to pet ownership [3][4]. With features like medical care tracking and habit monitoring, Amigos do Miles is essential for every pet owner seeking to enhance the quality of life for their furry family members [3][4].

The Vision Behind Amigos do Miles

Amigos do Miles was conceived from a deep love for pets, particularly influenced by a dog named Miles, cherished by the founders, Luana Lima and Pedro Fonseca [1]. This platform embodies their commitment to enhancing pet care and ensuring the well-being of animal companions [1].

Amigos do Miles is driven by a mission to revolutionize the digital pet service industry by making it the most enjoyable and interesting. It aims to achieve this through a comprehensive suite of services that cater to the needs of pet owners and their furry friends. At the heart of Amigos do Miles is the desire to foster a community where pet knowledge and care are accessible to all, ensuring that every pet and their owner can enjoy a fulfilling and joyful life together.

Amigos do Miles is not just about pet care; it’s about creating a bond that recognizes pets as integral family members.

Core Features of Amigos do Miles

Amigos do Miles offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to enhance the care and management of pets. Here’s a detailed look at each core component:


The customizable dashboard is central to the user experience, providing seamless access to all features, making it easy to manage pet details efficiently [2][3].

Medical Care Tracking

This feature allows pet owners to record vaccinations, track vet visits, and manage medical records conveniently. It ensures that all medical information is accessible, helping pet owners stay on top of their pet’s health needs [1][2][3].

Event Calendar

The integrated calendar feature aids in organizing all pet-related events and appointments. It allows users to add, edit, and view events, ensuring they never miss important dates like vet appointments or social gatherings [1][2][3].

Habit Monitoring

Habit monitoring facilitates the tracking of daily routines such as feeding times and exercise, integrated with a training module to monitor command training progress. This helps pet owners ensure their pets maintain a healthy lifestyle [1][2][3].

Growth Tracking

Users can log and monitor their pet’s growth over time, tracking metrics like height and weight. This feature is visualized through yearly charts, providing owners with a clear view of their pet’s development [1][2][3].

Expense Management

This tool allows for efficient tracking of all pet-related expenses. It helps pet owners manage their budget by keeping detailed records of expenditures on food, healthcare, and other supplies [1][2][3].

Notes Section

A dedicated area for notes helps users record important reminders, ideas, or information about their pets, making it easy to reference when needed [1].

By integrating these features, Amigos do Miles not only simplifies pet management but also enhances the overall well-being and care of pets, making it an indispensable tool for every pet owner.

Looking to the Future

Amigos do Miles is set to expand its horizons with innovative plans aimed at enhancing user engagement and community building. The platform has garnered significant acclaim, boasting 105 followers and receiving 94 upvotes, indicating a promising trajectory for growth and expansion [2]. Looking ahead, Amigos do Miles is excited to introduce social features that will allow pet owners to connect with each other, share experiences, and offer support, further enriching the pet care community [2].

Furthermore, the accessibility of Amigos do Miles is highlighted by its user-friendly subscription model. Pet owners can explore the services with a 14-day free trial without the need for a credit card, making it easy for everyone to start their journey towards better pet management [1]. For continued access, the platform offers an affordable subscription at 5€ per month or a discounted annual rate of 36€, which breaks down to just 3€ per month [1].


As we journey through the comprehensive features and visionary goals of Amigos do Miles, it becomes abundantly clear why this platform is an indispensable tool for pet owners. By encapsulating essential aspects such as medical care tracking, habit monitoring, and a myriad of other functionalities tailored to enhance the lives of pets and their owners, Amigos do Miles stands as a testament to innovative pet care. The platform’s dedication to ensuring pets’ health, happiness, and well-being, underscored by its user-friendly design and thoughtful features, truly amplifies its necessity in the realm of pet ownership.

The future beckons with promising enhancements and a growing community of engaged pet lovers. Amigos do Miles not only offers an integrated suite of services but also fosters a supportive network for pet owners to share, learn, and grow together. Embracing this digital revolution in pet care ensures that our furry friends lead the happiest and healthiest lives possible. For those eager to begin their journey towards better pet management, discover the myriad benefits Amigos do Miles has to offer here.


[1] — https://amigosdomiles.com/

[2] — https://www.producthunt.com/posts/amigos-do-miles

[3] — https://hunted.space/dashboard/amigos-do-miles

[4] — https://www.affordhunt.com/product/amigos+do+miles/r/recuo9GmxZiVtKEpr

