7 Creative Writing Tips Recommended By The Experts

josh taylor
3 min readOct 7, 2019


Creative writing can be anything you want it to be, that is why it is one of the most difficult things to do. It can be fiction, it can be non-fiction, but it will require you to invest yourself either way. Being so honest with you or losing yourself within a character can really take up a lot of your time and energy. Where you can get an assignment writing service to deal with your other essays and papers, with creative writing it sounds best coming from your own soul. It doesn’t have to be much, but it should definitely be honest. The freedom you may experience with creative writing should be exhilarating, but learning how to control and use freedom is where the art lies.

So here are some tips from our writing experts, to help you become an expert in creative writing:

1. Read

So the first thing you need to do before you can write is read. Read anything and everything, whatever your mind likes, let it absorb it. Reading well allows you to build an understanding of various methods that are used in literature and other places. It also gives your mind some power and perhaps the fuel to do some creative writing of its own as well. Reading allows you to mull over different ideas and develop and understanding of various literary techniques so that you too can employ them in your writing. Reading also helps you think better and gives you an opportunity to explore how various issues are tackled by different people. You’d be surprised at how well some writers are able to capture the flaws of society in their works.

2. Write Down All Your Ideas

All writers know that their ideas matter, and if you have had an idea it doesn’t mean that it is here to stay. So always keep a pen and paper handy when just in case you have an idea, so you can remember it. Keeping a pen and some scratch paper on you at all times can really help when you are working on your piece, and are stuck. You never know when inspiration may strike next, and when it does you don’t want it to go to waste. Write it down on your phone, or ask for a pen and write it on your hand, just don’t let the idea go away because once you forget it, it’s gone for good.

3. Do Your Research

This isn’t just a tip from experts, it’s a part of writing basics; if you are going to write something, then you should make sure that you have done your research. If you are writing a story, you want your characters to be accurate if you are describing a place and you haven’t been to the place, and then you need to do your research rather than just winging it. The research will always have a better effect on your writing and it will show when your readers will relate to different characters. Without doing appropriate research you might just end up becoming the laughing stock because your writing seems unlikely to happen or straight up defies laws of physics.

4. Keep Practicing

Of all the tips to improve creative writing, you cannot miss this one. Practice makes you perfect, and since there is no good or bad, all you need to be is consistent and nothing else. But nothing comes easy unless you practice it, so practice, practice, practice.

5. Stay Consistent

In order to become a good creative writer, you must ensure that you dedicate however much time you can every day to writing. Even on busy days, don’t make an excuse, make an effort to improve yourself and your writing.

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