Redis Sentinel — High Availability: Everything you need to know from DEV to PROD: Complete Guide
What does the term ‘Redis’ actually mean?
It means REmote DIctionary Server.
Alright! There are plenty of different Redis articles out there, but I wanted to share my experience as a developer with Redis by creating an “all in one proper article” covering the most essential and important stuff that is needed and helpful for a developer or a devops engineer to build a Highly Available Redis cluster with Sentinel.
So let’s get started…
Redis, which is an open source in memory data structure store, is a very popular selection among developers used for caching purposes, as a message broker and also mainly used as a NoSQL Key-Value database for different use cases.
In this post, I’m going to specifically discuss and demo about Redis along with Master/Slave Replication, High availability (Redis Sentinel), Automatic Failover , some production level optimizing tips and monitoring aspects. In addition, along with these topics I’ll be mentioning the issues and the errors that I faced during implementation of Redis Sentinel with Ubuntu. Following shows the OS version and Redis version details.
OS version: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-119-generic x86_64)
Redis Version: 4.0.9
Additionally, I want to highlight that the Redis documentation is very informative and it’s ‘the go to place’ if you need any…