How to setup Nginx proxy for Kibana with Amazon ElasticSearch and 2 factor auth.

Ami Mahloof
1 min readNov 21, 2017


Amazon ElasticSearch comes re-built with Kibana, the problem is that the url is not friendly and you can not customize it for your domain.

First we’ll setup a proxy for authentication with 2 factor such as Google or Github.

Download the Prebuilt Binary of oauth2_proxy binary.

Configure it via config file:

Here’s how to set a google client id and secret

The cookie_secret is just a random string base64 encoded.

Once you have the config file ready run the proxy:

`oauth2_proxy -config oauth2_proxy.cfg`

Now you can setup nginx to listen on the upstream of bitly.

Here’s a very simple config for Nginx that will set up a proxy pass to Amazon ElasticSearch going through the oauth2_proxy:

That’s it.

Hope this helps.

