Cloth Banking

Amina Amjad
3 min readJun 19, 2020


COVID-19 is an epidemic that has gripped not only Pakistan, but the entire world. It has threatened lives, and has led to a major economic crisis due to which millions have lost their livelihood.

To support fellow Pakistanis during these testing times, Akhuwat and Dunya Foundation have launched the Akhuwat-Dunya Interest Free Emergency Loan. Through this fund, we have already helped more than 5000 families and we hope to reach out to more of our country’s daily and monthly wagers who have been severely affected during the COVID-19 lock down.

Below are some ways through which you may contribute and donate to the fund. Once the lock down is lifted, the borrowers will pay back the loan to Akhuwat and the amount would then be circulated to help others in need.

My Goal:

I am member of foster learning program and asked me to collect old or useless clothes from people and then donate to Akhuwat foundation for needy and deserving people.

The basic objective of this bank is simple — it collects clothes from people who no longer need them, and distributes these clothes to the poor and the needy. It’s a brilliant idea and leaves one wondering as to why such an idea was not already implemented .

I faced following difficulties:

1. 1 Deciding whether to ask for clothes on social media or going door to door and ask for clothes

2. How to convince people?

3. How to communicate with unknown people?

4. How to face the rejection?

5. Collecting anything for the greater cause also gives you a sense of achievement because our religion

a. “Islam teaches us that we should always help the poor people or the people who are in need. So while doing this project felt so much sense of accomplishment.”

6. Collected clothes from family and friends. Some people initially gives you a feeling that as you are doing something wrong but when you give them strong reasons that even a drop of water does matter they start believing you and start helping you in this noble cause.

7. The other aspect of this project is that by seeing you doing this great noble thing people also get motivated and they also start believing that they should also do something positive in life. So a chain actually starts that people start following you in such kind of positive projects.

My experience;

Al Quran

“Who is he that will give Allah Qard Hasan? For Allah will increase it manifold to his credit.”
(Quran 57:11)

Al Hadith

The Holy Prophet [PBUH] said “Reward for sadqah (charity) is ten times and reward for qard e hasan (interest free loan) is eighteen times”.
(Ibn Majah & Ibn Hisham)

First, I thought that it is very difficult task but later I changed my thinking and I started my work with my mother courage and help. So, it was an excellent experience for me and I learned how we help needy people and I thought deeply about the need of clothes for poor people and I found a source where I can help the poor people.

I learned a lot of things like giving is the great of grace, we cannot do great things on this earth but we do small things with great love and care of needy people.

We must keep in our mind: The best among you are those who bring greatest benefits to many others.

So, I will do these great things in my life again and again.

Thank you so much for giving me such important task that change me and my thinking.



Amina Amjad

We should always thankful to Allah Almighty blessings