How close the current Arsenal team to the ‘Invincibles’ ?

8 min readNov 19, 2014

The comparison might raised a few eyebrows and understandably so, how can you compare these two teams ? The current one seems to struggle with performance and the latter is one of the best, if not the best, Premier League side ever.

The reason is simple, it’s obvious that Arsene Wenger is trying to build a team that finally can really compete with the likes of Chelsea and Man City in the league after never really close due to the financial restrictions or whatever reasons. The restricted period now over and club now can spend on top players and mental block of not winning anything for 9 years finally broken. In order to build another successful team, why not look at the ideal model, which built by Wenger himself; the 2003–2004 squad or famously known as the ‘Invincibles’.

  1. Defensive stability

Any Gooners or avid PL fans would argue this is the main problem for the current team; conceding. After 11 league matches, they’ve conceded 13 goals compared to the 2013/14 season where they only conceded 10 for as much matches, despite having an early ‘crisis’ after losing to Aston Villa at home. Needless to say that the ‘Invincibles’ record was way better, conceding only 26 for the whole season. That really give you a clear picture how important is the defensive stability to the team that competing for Premiership.

Arsenal ‘Invincibles’ back four (photo credit to

Few reasons can be pointed on why the defensive record is poor. Injuries, new players, lack of experience, makeshift CB etc. Injuries, for example, could affect the stability. With Koscielny out, Wenger opted for Monreal at CB. Although the Spaniard can’t be solely blamed as CB isn’t his natural position, this new system did create an imbalance at the back. While Mertesacker- koscielny partnership surely been missed due to the current performance, the system Arsenal currently playing isn’t doing any good either. Having both full backs constantly joining the attack did leave a huge space for opponents to exploit. It’s not a coincidence that majority of the goals conceded came from a cross and poor positioning in the box; which have been well explained in the video below:

Plus, not having a quality defensive midfielder to cover the space left also contributed to the problem. It’s totally a different system being played in the 2003/4 season when Vieira and Gilberto deployed in a deep role to cover the space left by the full backs and wingers during attacks. They simply stop the opponents attacks and start the team’s, and it’s proved to be important.

Big part of the injuries might down to a sheer bad luck, but incompetence defending system; whether how the back four should operate or collective defending as a team undoubtedly contributed to the underwhelming defense performances.

2. Creative Hub and Style of Play

Arsenal rarely short of creative players, this is the area where the team often has the advantage. From the likes of Bergkamp, Pires, Henry and even Gilberto of the ‘Invincibles’ to Cazorla, Wilshere, Ozil and Alexis of the current team, it’s safe to say Wenger didn't really struggle with choice.

Last season, Ozil and Cazorla lead everyone else by miles in term of chances created and even though the form of the former dipped this season and been out through injury, the new signing, Alexis Sanchez, more than capable to step up.

Chances created : Season 2013–2014
Chances created: Season 2014–2015(so far)

In term of playing style, Arsenal evolve from a more direct, one touch football to more possession-based. The team in 2003–2004 consisted of pacy, technical players and they exploited it to their own benefit. Pires-Henry- Cole combination on the left could be the most feared and effective combination, while Bergkamp was more than happy to thread some balls to his team mates. Thierry Henry once said that their style of play that season really depends on movement and speed; “ if you see someone is free, give the ball to him” the team rarely took too many touches and the movement always with purpose.

Perhaps this current team can learn from that; sharp, quick movement to break the opponent. They do have a better chance this season, with Oxlade- Chamberlain, Alexis and players like Walcott and Gnabry back from injuries can provide the outlet to the creative players like Ozil and Cazorla. It is somehow became usual for Arsenal to face the opponent (especially the lesser ones) that sit deep and put numbers in their own box in order to upset the Gunners. Lack of sharpness, penetration and speed always cost Arsenal as they struggle to find a way through. Possession style is good on the eye but sometimes you need to change the approach in order to meet the game demands.

3. Mentality and Consistency

The vital part, the part that separate Champions with the rest. Does this team have it ? How good is the winning mentality ? Do they have the staying power ? Recent results logically will raise those questions, let alone after last season story where they gave up the lead after being at the top for more number of days compared to the other top teams. This season’s story doesn't change much, giving away the lead against Man City when it seems finally a win against the title rival, struggling against the likes of Hull, Leicester, Anderlecht and throwing away the lead and lost to Swansea in the last game said it all.

Maybe ones will decides to blame the system we played but surely the players have to show some character during those game. Disappointing part is majority of the bad results were down to Arsenal own fault and naivety, rather than opponents being exceptional.

The ‘Invincibles’, although everyone would agreed that they had an immaculate season, didn't always had an easy or brilliant game. Liverpool at home, after the exits from two cups competitions was really put loads of pressure on the players; “lose it, and the season will fall apart” as they said. Another one could be the games after securing the title at White Hart Lane, with nothing really at stake (apart from going unbeaten, of course) Arsenal did struggled number of times but managed to get the results they need. There always players that stepped up and took the responsibility and the group showed the character by fighting their way through the hard times.

Thierry Henry inspired Arsenal to a win against Liverpool; Grabbing a hat trick himself (photo credit to Daily Mail UK)

That team is so confident of their own ability and lead the Bergkamp’s quote : “ we had games where I had a feeling, 3–0 or 4–0, without making an effort”. It’s not being arrogant, just showed that they were confident with their qualities and the mentality to win was there. They knew every member of the team wouldn't let the team down.

Patrick Vieira not shy in a fight (photo credit to The Telegraph)

Last season, the team showed the consistency and rewarded by being at the top of the table longer than anyone else but crumbled in matches against Chelsea, Liverpool and Stoke away from home. Those matches proved to be decisive in Arsenal title quest and showed that again, Arsenal falls short when it matters. Breaking the duck by winning the FA cup last season and Community Shield this season should injected the winning mentality to the group, but maybe they need to look deeper than that and The ‘Invincibles’ would be a perfect start.

4. Game changer

Almost all great teams accustomed to have at least a player that can change the game. Season is usually long and hard, couple of other tournaments and tough opponents. It is inevitable for any team to have a bad game or actually had a good game, but the opponent doing enough to cancel out every quality that the team have. Then step up the player, either scoring the vital goal when both teams in a stalemate or netting the equaliser when defeat would be disastrous. Maybe even not scoring a goal himself, but dragged his team by example and desire shown.

Henry, Pires and Ljungberg all chipped in a fair amount of goals (these three were the top 3 scorers for Arsenal that season) and the likes of Patrick Vieira, Campbell and Cole whilst not a regular scorer, did the fantastic job at the other end.

Do this current team far behind in this aspect ? Not quite, I would say. Some players that already in the team for years and the recent signings did add the qualities to the squad. Alexis Sanchez, for example, keep showing what a signing he was. The abilities to score and win matches already shown but the attitude is just brilliant. You can be a good player with the talent you had but to be the best, you got to have the right head.

Alexis, man of the moment. (photo credit to London Evening Standard)

Ozil and Ramsey, maybe the current form isn't the same as last season but surely have the ability. The former lifted the team after he signed and despite not known for his goalscoring record, did add the extra dimension to the team. The latter, while had a bit of difficulty to pick up where he left off last season, showed that he can transform into a player that can decide the game. Constantly a go to man last season, scoring goals for fun so that Arsenal shortage up front wasn’t really felt.

Will we see the best of them this season ? (photo credit to Imago/Barcroft Media)

On the other hand, Mertesacker and Koscielny partnership plus more mature Szczesny were the reasons why Arsenal enjoyed a rare, solid defending performances last season. While none of these players, apart from Alexis are in the form required, it is obvious that the qualities are there and it’s up to them to maximise for the team’s good.

In what could be the last part of Wenger’s era, time is ticking down for Le Prof to assemble another great team that can finally achieve his Champions League dream.

He’s did it couple of times before and with the resources at the club looking good, why not once again ? Let’s hope his quest for a ‘perfect game’ finally can be achieved at the Emirates. The base is there, so over to you, Mr Wenger.

So, how close are they ?

And they don’t even have to go the entire season unbeaten again.

*All statistics data were provided by Squawka and

