Dynopoly: The first blockchain-based Monopoly-type game that lets you win crypto prizes!

VREX Lab is excited to announce its new upcoming game, Dynopoly, based on the fascinating universe of Dyverse.

The Korean Whisperer
5 min readMay 21, 2019
Dynopoly board

In homage to the classic game that has touched many households around the world, Dynopoly is a monopoly-like blockchain-powered game that is played with Kydys — playing pieces that are also non-fungible tokens. Amazingly, Kydy owners can also interact with these powerful digital assets in the virtual realm by simply downloading VREX Lab’s ‘Kydy’ app on Android or iOS.

One intriguing twist is that, unlike ordinary monopoly, you will have something other than pride to show for after winning the game. You can win crypto prizes and even other people’s NFTs in a game of Dynopoly!

Playing for Keeps

You read that right, when you play Dynopoly each player will be putting down a fixed sum of ENJ coins that serves as an entry fee and also makes up the prize pool for the season. At the end of each multi-week season, a big portion of the prize pool will be distributed to the highest-ranking players. (Different prize pools will exist for different groups of players who wish to put down smaller or larger sums. Any player may sign up for multiple pools)

Moreover, we will look to introduce an NFT PvP mode, where the winners are awarded the playing pieces — NFTs — of losing players!

While we will also be offering a ‘friendly mode’ for Dynopoly, we think many people will be excited by the ultra-competitive mode of Dynopoly because of the high stakes and real rewards.

Playing for Real Value

The NFTs used as playing pieces in Dynopoly will be backed with Enjin Coin (ENJ), guaranteeing users a reserve value which they can recoup if they ever wish to melt their Kydys. However, the ENJ community generally recommends not to melt your assets because, as everyone knows, “Melt is Murder”, which means that when an asset is melted it’s gone forever, plus, you probably would have earned far more ENJ by selling your Kydy on the free market.

Why Dynopoly?

Dynopoly was born out of our desire to create a game in the blockchain that is universally loved, easily playable and that could be enjoyed by everyone. So what better than a board game that has been played for decades by families and friends?

Our plan is to provide our users with a great experience with their Kydys. If they can spend quality time with our games, unwind and have some fun while also achieving awards with real value, we will have achieved our goal of giving back to the blockchain gaming community and empowering players.

Dynopoly is only the beginning, we envision a bright future filled with more collaborations, more games and more features. To that end, we are in contact with several other developers within the Enjin Multiverse and will strive to offer limited edition Dynopoly NFTs that make use of items or characters from other Enjin Multiverse games.

The Way to Play

The development of Dynopoly is almost completed!

However, to make sure things are running smoothly when we launch publicly, we will be giving our avid supporters limited invitations to the private beta version of Dynopoly, which will be available in the summer of 2019 — that’s right, it’s just around the corner!

Access to the private beta will be limited to the participants of our presale, with those who have unlocked rare assets being given preference in the queue. The presale, which will go live in a few days will offer chests containing 1 mystery Kydy (the playing piece/NFT for Dynopoly) at $30 each. You won’t be able to play Dynopoly without at least one Kydy, as that is the playing piece for the game, and the presale offers exclusive access to singular, legendary items that give you significant advantages in the game.

Examples of such advantages, or powers, include a Kydy that can never be sent to jail (“wormhole”) within the game. Another example is a one-of-a-kind Kydy that automatically has ownership of the property “Bitcoin.” These rare assets are backed with a significantly higher amount of ENJ coins, and will give you a significant boost in your quest to win and play for keeps.

*Details about the presale will be available through our Twitter account and our Telegram channel. You can participate in the presale with your Paypal account, Coinbase account, or with ETH.

Your Kydy Gaming Assets Double as AR Avatars!

A long-standing unique, X-factor for NFTs offered by VREX Lab is that they are unique 3D avatars that can be used to create mind-blowing video content!

Once you unlock a rare Kydy, or seize a valuable Kydy from another player, go ahead and show the world what you just won using our Kydy mobile AR app. Limited Kydys offered in the presale will also have the unprecedented functionality of transforming into AR face masks that you can wear to livestream on Twitch or create videos on YouTube!

NFTs that give you AR masks to wear during livestreams? We bet you’ve never heard of that.

There’s always more coming here at VREX Lab. So stay tuned, keep watching for our experiments that push boundaries, and join the fun!

It will be worth your time — in crypto ;)

