5 Morning Habits that changed my Life!!!

Aminat Majekadegbe
5 min readSep 4, 2022


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

This might sound unreal, but I assure you it is genuine.

I was downtrodden, I watched myself strip away from reality as my dreams withered away and my passions faded. All I wanted to do was sleep, sleep and sleep. Laziness was an understatement of what I portrayed. Taking care of myself was a problem. I just wanted to lay there on my bed with my phone in my hand, clothes littered on the floor, plates on the table, hair ruffled and watched as my three-day no-bath Odor chased everyone away from my room. I became my own enigma.

As time went on, I dropped my work because of a lack of motivation and productivity and I began to get depressed. I sought a solution but it didn’t work out, I googled, spoke to people, and I knew something must be done. I knew I needed to get up and do something but I was stuck. One day, I woke up and instead of lingering on the bed, I stood up immediately! And everything changed because “The first step to winning yourself is wake up early” — Sukant Ratnakar.

Are you the type that procrastinates a lot?

Do you find it hard to concentrate?

Do you find simple tasks hard to accomplish?

Do you get frustrated by things easily?

Well, all these seemingly huge frustrating problems can be solved by instilling very simple morning habits in you.

Photo by Patrick Schneider on Unsplash

Thanks to Nick Keomahavong, A practising psychotherapist. In his YouTube videos, there are ways you can improve your morning routine but here are five that worked and still working for me.

1. Wake up early and exactly when your alarm rings

Waking up early brings with it a positive mindset. It gives you a kick start for the day ahead, rising early is the secret to productivity for many successful people.

Research has found waking up early and success may be linked. Those who wake up earlier tended to be more proactive in life than those who didn’t.~Harvard business review

It is even recommended by Medical doctors that waking up early leads to improved cognitive function and you feel energetic throughout the day. You feel relaxed and well-rested and spend lesser time doing a task that would take more time. You will also be more adept at taking better decisions, planning and achieving goals.

When you rise early, it eliminates the need to rush in the morning. You can start your day on an optimistic note and such positivity lasts through the day.

Now, you may find it hard to wake up very early as a beginner or as a night owl, Here are ideas from Herzing University on Genuine tips for waking up early.

2. Take a deep breath, Get Centered and Reflect on Death

Death?? Yes, Death. You see, Waking up has become a daily recurrence for us that we have taken for granted and forget that we might actually not wake up the following day, or go out and never return. “How does thinking about death affect my day” You’ll ask. When you wake up and think about death, you are able to appreciate the moment, the today you are in because you know you might not see tomorrow. You are able to forget your past (for a moment) and focus on the present thereby centring yourself on achieving a bright and fulfilled day. And when you remember that tomorrow is not guaranteed, you are liable to put a great effort into today, your work, your relationship and your life in general.

So Breathe for a few minutes with your eye closed, No thinking, just centring and saying to yourself “Today is a brand new day.”

3. Drink a Cup of Water

1. Our body is made up of 70% water so it is a no-brainer that we need to provide our body with more and more water. Drinking water improves your health.

It Increases your skin radiance for a flawless complexion as your body is able to release toxins faster which will give your skin that glow and radiance you may buy products for.

It helps weight loss

It improves metabolism

Increases shine and heart texture

Relieves Heartburn and indigestion.

So, you should drink at least 650ml (3 cups) of water right after waking up. Build your Tolerance to drinking this much water day by day.

4. Pray/Meditate

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

5. Do House-Chores

1. Yeah, a headache. I know. We are in it together trust me. I don’t go smiling and laughing at a pile of clothes waiting for me to wash them but for your household and your life to run smoothly, these tedious and time-consuming tasks must get done.

“Why must I do chores?”

Chores teach life skills. When you do chores like laundry and cleaning, you are solving a problem. And by doing it every day, you look for faster and easier ways to finish your tasks.

It helps learn responsibility and self-reliance, knowing that you can take care of yourself instils confidence and boosts self-esteem.

Chores help teach teamwork: Being a productive member of a team can be modelled through housework as there are other members in the family with their own assigned tasks and there are consequences when you don’t meet each other’s expectations.

Chores help build a strong work ethic, It improves planning and time-management skills.


All the humo-jumbos I listed might look strenuous but once you start, you see immediate changes.

And let me know through the comments which morning routine works for you!

