6 min readJul 16, 2020

11 Ways To Fight With Anxiety Over Living

As someone who has always gained her energy from being around other people, the idea of living alone has always made me incredibly anxious. Although I value my independence, and often love spending hours of the day claiming time as my own, I loathe coming home after a long day to an empty apartment, and sitting alone with my thoughts.

Make Evening Plans With Friends

If you get anxious thinking about going home to an empty living space, make plans to grab dinner or see a late movie with your friends. You’ll exert yourself for hours and all of the social interaction will leave you absolutely exhausted. "In this way, you will have your night occupied and your focus when you return home will be sleep." Silva says. "Not pre-occupation or negative thinking about being alone."

By the time you get home, you’ll be ready to pass out immediately. In fact, you’ll enjoy being able to crash with no distractions!

Invite People Over To Your Place

It’s all about reciprocation. If someone invites you over to their house for a cocktail party or book club meeting, invite them right back. Hosting anxiety is super real, don’t get me wrong, but you don’t need to throw an extravagant gathering to do the trick.

"Physical order often helps us feel a sense of mental order," Silva says. "Organizing and planning an event helps structure order in your physical and mental place."

Maintain Relationships With Family

Keeping close contact with you family is a great way to maintain anxiety when you go out on your own. If you have a healthy relationship with your immediate family, talking to them regularly can provide a sense of security. "Your family can help you identify effective coping from the past," Silva says. "When you’re going through a tough time, they can remind you of how you overcame past difficult times." Maintaining that connection will remind that you are loved and not alone, even if you’re physically living by yourself.

And build up your connection by sending them Messages, stay connected with them as well.

Reconnect With Someone From Your Past

"Maintaining and utilizing supportive relationships are essential to keeping you in a positive mental state," Silva says. It’s never too late to rekindle and true friendship, and reconnecting with someone from your past, who used to make you feel safe, is a wonderful way to re-establish confidence and combat anxiety.

Give Back To Your Community

A great way to fill your evenings if you’re uncomfortable with the idea of returning home to an empty house, is by volunteering in your neighborhood. Consider utilizing your time at a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter, or organize on behalf of a cause that you care deeply about.

"Sharing your skills with others help you maintain a positive mood and provides a social support system," Silva says.

By filling your free time with someone meaningful and optimistic, your time alone will become infected with positive energy.

Join A New Organized Activity

There is no better time to try that one thing that’s always been in the back of your mind or the bottom of your to-do list, than when you first move out on your own. Activities not only fill up your spare time and harness your energy towards something positive, they also are a great way to meet new people and make more friends!

"Participating in an organized activity helps the body release natural chemicals in your brain that improves mood".

Take Advantage of Technology

Technology and social media have completely changed the landscape of the world we live in: now, you’re never alone! If you get home from work and you’re feeling particularly anxious or lonely, pull up Skype and video chat friends or family. By taking full advantage of FaceTime, Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram, you have the power to make it feel like you live with all of your loved ones, at the touch of your finger tips. Online networks can be a great way to secure your connections: just make sure you using them in place of IRL relationships.

Consider Adopting A Pet

Possibly everyone’s favorite means of combatting anxiety or loneliness, adopting a rescue animal or buying a pet is a wonderful way to make home a warm and welcoming place. "Pets offer therapeutic value and can be helpful in alleviating stress, anxiety, depression, and feelings of loneliness and social isolation," Silva says.

There are a few things to consider: if you work full-time, long hours, or live in a very tiny space, take that into consideration when deciding what kind of pet to get, or whether you can provide a pet with a good living environment. There are even service animals that you can get specifically tailored to help you relieve anxiety.

Try Out A New Hobby

Tackle your anxiety of being alone at home , by taking on a new hobby that you can do specifically when you’re alone at home that will provide both comfort and ease is a great way. Learning to play an instrument is a great way to destress, as music therapy is a proven method for relieving anxiety.

Keep Your Mind Occupied

By making your brain occupied, your attention less likely to wander, which will keep inner doubts from arising. And once again, if you get hooked on something, it’ll make coming home to read the next chapter or watch the next episode something you look forward to it establishes a positive association with living alone.

Reach Out For Help

Finally, if you are have trouble sleeping at night or notice anything else out of the ordinary with your mood or behavior, don’t be afraid to reach out to medical professional. Don’t hesitate for any medical help.