arxivML: An Alexa skill to read latest machine learning papers from arXiv

Amine Ben Khalifa
3 min readJan 18, 2017


Inspired by the amazing arxiv-sanity preserver built by Andrej Karpathy to accelerate research. I spent sometime last month working on a similar skill for the amazon Alexa voice interface. When invoked, the skill reads the 50 most recent machine learning papers from arXiv (the skill crawls papers posted under cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.CL, cs.NE, stat.ML). If you haven’t already made checking a daily routine, then you probably should. If you are actively working on research related to Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Artificial Intelligence, you’d not be missing out on many new ideas and advancements posted by researchers from all around the world on a daily basis.

Ways to invoke arxivML skill

Alexa changed the way I get my daily flash briefings. Over the past year, I switched from reserving TV time in the morning, to multitasking while listening to my custom flash briefing served through the Echo cloud. With the arxivML Alexa skill, I intend to skip paper browsing altogether, and instead get paper briefings while getting ready to go to work. What a huge advantage that would be! I can use my commute time to think about that new interesting paper — maybe! Check out the demo below, it’s pretty cool!

Experience browsing papers in this exciting new way, no more missing out on interesting research. Start your morning with a fresh set of ideas and things to try.

After enabling the skill from the Alexa app (search for “arxivML”, or follow this link), you invoke it by asking Alexa to read the most recent ML papers from arxiv. Alexa starts by reading the title of the first paper and then asks you if you want to listen to the abstract, you can answer yes for the abstract, or answer no to go to the next paper. You can ask Alexa to stop anytime. Keep in mind, If you found out that the abstract Alexa is reading is not interesting, you can always ask Alexa to go to the next paper, by saying “Alexa, next”. In addition to the voice interface, paper titles and abstracts also apear as cards in the companying Alexa app for a quick reference.

I highly recommend experiencing browsing papers in this exciting new way, no more missing out on interesting research. Start your morning with a fresh set of ideas and things to try!

I’m also open sourcing the arxivML Alexa skill, and you’re welcome to improve it and extend it with more functionalities. Checkout the “how to contribute” section in the project’s github repo.

Alexa, stop!

To enable the skill, Search for “arxivML” in the Alexa skills store, or follow this link

If you have questions, you can reach me @: amine.benkhalifa _at_

