My Husband’s Family Doesn’t Approve Of Me (How to Deal With In Laws That Don’t Accept You)

Amira Lyric
7 min readNov 19, 2023
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Today, let’s dive into a topic that hits close to home for many folks out there — dealing with in-laws who just don’t seem to approve of you. It’s like trying to cozy up to a cactus, isn’t it? So often, I hear from people who are wrestling with the disapproving glares and passive-aggressive comments from their spouse’s family. Well, buckle up, because we’re going to talk about how to handle this delicate dance with the in-laws.

I recently got a heartfelt email from a woman named Clara, and let me tell you, her story was a rollercoaster of emotions. She laid it all out — how her husband’s family seemed to disapprove of her at every turn. From the get-go, they never seemed thrilled about their union, and family gatherings felt more like minefields than celebrations.

Clara described one particular Thanksgiving that was etched into her memory like a not-so-pleasant tattoo. The tension was palpable as soon as they walked through the door. She braced herself for the disapproving glances and passive-aggressive comments that had become a trademark of these family gatherings. But this time, it was different. This time, they took it up a notch.

As they settled around the table, Clara could sense the judgmental stares and hushed conversations. It was as if she had entered enemy territory, armed with nothing but a cranberry sauce. To make matters worse, her mother-in-law decided it was the perfect occasion to bring up the ever-dreaded topic of grandchildren. The table fell silent, and all eyes turned to Clara, awaiting her response.

Feeling like a deer caught in headlights, Clara mustered a weak smile and tried to brush off the question. But her mother-in-law persisted, firing off inquiries like a prosecutor in a courtroom. Clara’s husband, caught between loyalty to his wife and the pressure from his family, shifted uncomfortably in his seat. It was a Thanksgiving showdown, and Clara was at the center of it all.

The night ended with an uncomfortable silence during dessert, leaving Clara feeling like an outsider in her own family. She tried to shake off the disappointment, but the weight of it clung to her like the scent of turkey on Thanksgiving evening.

Frustrated and hurt, Clara decided enough was enough. She couldn’t continue living in the shadows of her in-laws’ disapproval. That’s when she reached out to me, pouring out her heart and seeking guidance on how to handle a situation that seemed more like a battlefield than a family gathering.

She wanted to salvage her relationship with her in-laws but didn’t want to sacrifice her own happiness in the process. As she finished recounting her Thanksgiving tale, she asked, how do I deal with in-laws that don’t accept me? How can I navigate this tricky terrain without losing my sanity or pushing my husband away? My husband’s family doesn’t approve of me, and I’m desperate for some guidance on how to deal with in laws that don’t accept you. Any advice you can offer would be a lifesaver right now.

Now, Clara’s situation might not be exactly like yours, but the feelings she described were oh-so-relatable. If you find yourself nodding along, stick around because I’ve got some nuggets of wisdom to share.

1. Understand the ‘Why’ in Detail

Understanding the ‘why’ is like putting on your detective hat. Instead of jumping to conclusions, take the time to investigate the root causes of your in-laws’ disapproval. People are complex beings, and their behaviors often stem from a myriad of factors.

Start by observing patterns in their behavior. Is it a recurring theme, or just a one-time grumble? Perhaps there are cultural differences at play, or maybe they’re protective of their family dynamics. If your mother-in-law gives you the side-eye during family gatherings, it might be because she’s worried about her son’s happiness or feels threatened by changes in the family dynamic.

Open up lines of communication with your partner about your observations. They might provide insights into their family’s dynamics that you hadn’t considered. By unraveling the ‘why’ behind the disapproval, you’re laying the foundation for finding common ground.

2. Don’t Fuel the Fire: A Deeper Dive

When it comes to dealing with snarky comments and passive-aggressive behavior, it’s all about maintaining your cool. The art of not fueling the fire involves more than just biting your tongue; it’s about choosing your battles wisely.

Instead of escalating a situation, opt for a diplomatic response. If your sister-in-law critiques your cooking skills, acknowledge her input with a polite “I appreciate your thoughts, Lisa.” This not only deflects potential conflict but also puts you in control of the narrative. By refusing to get entangled in verbal sparring, you’re disarming potential tensions and maintaining the high ground.

3. Build Bridges, Brick by Brick

Building bridges with your in-laws requires more than just exchanging pleasantries. It’s about finding common ground and nurturing connections. While it sounds simple, the devil is in the details.

Start by identifying shared interests. Maybe your father-in-law loves gardening. Engage him in a conversation about your recent gardening endeavors or seek advice on plant care. By tapping into their passions, you’re creating a platform for genuine conversations. It’s not about being disingenuous but about discovering points of connection that can serve as the foundation for a more positive relationship.

Consistency is key. Building bridges isn’t a one-time effort but an ongoing process. Attend family events with a genuine willingness to engage, and over time, those bridges will become more robust, weathering the storms of initial disapproval.

4. Communicate with Your Partner: A Closer Look

Open communication with your partner is the bedrock of navigating in-law challenges. It’s not just about sharing your feelings; it’s about fostering a united front against external pressures.

Sit down with your partner, Jake, and discuss your experiences openly. Encourage them to share their perspectives and insights into their family’s dynamics. This isn’t a blame game but an opportunity to understand each other better. Jake might provide context to his family’s behavior, making it easier for both of you to face challenges together.

Remember, it’s ‘us against the world.’ By keeping the lines of communication open, you’re fortifying your relationship and creating a supportive environment for handling in-law complexities.

5. Pick Your Battles Wisely: Strategic Decision Making

In the battlefield of family dynamics, not every disagreement is worth your time and energy. Picking your battles wisely involves strategic decision-making to ensure you’re investing your resources where they matter most.

Evaluate each situation objectively. If your brother-in-law, Mike, makes a passing comment about your career, assess its significance. Is it a harmless quip, or does it cross a red line? Reserve your energy for battles that truly matter, where your principles and boundaries are at stake.

Choosing the high road isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a strategic move. By focusing on conflicts that align with your values, you’re preserving your mental and emotional well-being.

6. Establish Boundaries: Building Emotional Fences

Establishing boundaries is like building emotional fences around your well-being. It’s about defining what you can tolerate and what’s a deal-breaker in your interactions with in-laws. Let’s dig a bit deeper into the nitty-gritty of this process.

Identify specific behaviors that make you uncomfortable. If your mother-in-law has a habit of dropping by unannounced, discuss it with your partner. Together, decide on boundaries that work for both of you. It’s not about creating walls but about striking a balance between maintaining family harmony and safeguarding your sanity.

Consistency is vital in enforcing these boundaries. Be firm yet respectful in communicating your limits. By doing so, you’re not only setting clear expectations but also demonstrating a commitment to your well-being within the family dynamic.

Navigating the tricky waters of in-law relationships requires a combination of communication, boundaries, empathy, and positive interactions. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Countless others have faced similar challenges and come out stronger on the other side.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, and you’re looking for more guidance, then it’s time to take the next step towards building stronger relationships with your in-laws. Click here to access an exclusive resource that dives deeper into practical tips and strategies for navigating the delicate dynamics of family approval.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that dives deeper into the strategies discussed in this article. In this exclusive resource, you’ll find additional tips, real-life stories, and step-by-step advice on how to not only survive but thrive in the face of in-law disapproval. Picture it as your personal GPS through the winding roads of family dynamics.

👉 Click Here to Transform Your In-Law Relationships

Don’t let in-law tensions cast a shadow on your happiness. Take the first step towards fostering understanding and creating lasting connections within your family. Click here now to discover actionable advice and real-world strategies that will empower you to navigate the complexities of family dynamics with grace and resilience.

Remember, building bridges takes effort, and you’ve got the tools to do it. Don’t miss out on this chance to transform your family dynamic. Click right here and let’s turn those in-law frowns upside down together!



Amira Lyric

Devoted to healing relationships, I blend empathy and skill as a marriage counselor. Guiding couples toward renewed connection and fulfillment.