I knew I was in Love….

Amira Rizk
4 min readMar 5, 2017


Being in the best phases of her life, she couldn’t continue experiencing this without her sister and best friend being part of this. She couldn’t wait till she gave her a call given the time differences they suffered being miles away from each other. Excited, she opened her laptop signing in to her email and started typing the best story of her life to the first closest person to her, Emma.

Moving to the subject field, she typed (I knew I was in love….)

Upon starting her email, an uncontrollable smile coated her face picturing the words she was about to tell her friend.

Dearest Emma,

Hope all’s well at your end. And hope you and Adam are still drowning in your one of a kind relationship fully surrounded with love and peace.

Starting with this, I have to tell you I remember the zillions of times and hours we spent talking about you and Adam 5 years ago when you first met and the things you shared and how your love story was crafted. It feels like it was just yesterday. Maybe it feels so because I started going through the same? Well before making this confession, I must tell you that even though I always made you feel I could relate and live every moment of your love story with you, I never actually knew what it really was to be in love except when I walked the same path you did, my friend. Yes, I did, Emma! At last! Never thought I would one day. Thought I will never be one of those lucky blessed ones who receive the gift of finding THE ONE and immersing their souls into what they call THE SPARK love hits two without prior warnings.

But it just happened, my lovely best friend and telepathy.

Looking up from her keyboard, Jane smiled imagining her friend’s facial expressions and excitement while reading this email probably overwhelmed with her newly born girl and running around, but she just decided she couldn’t resist reading it from the title and managed to find the time to do so.

Back to her keyboard with the smile fully taking over her face, Jane joyfully went on already feeling her best friend’s eyes lovingly going through her words.

Emma, I could now see your facial expressions and wishing I could travel to you all those miles to throw myself in your arms and stay up all night gossiping about this.

And now I could tell what you are asking…”How? How? Tell me about it! Everything. How did it happen? How did you know this is it at last? Come on, please, I can’t wait.

Jane bursting out into endless laughs with floods of tears flowing from her eyes remembering how blessed she was by such a best friend. Now she’s actually blessed with two, a best friend and a soul mate she knew loved her more than anything.

Replying back, Jane says: How did I know? Well exactly as you did, Emma. You know when everything you come across reminds you of them: the food they like, the smell of their favorite coffee, a place you passed by before together, a statement they always quote, a song they love…

I knew I was in love when I just couldn’t explain it or fully describe my feelings or what I was going through in words because I’ll be understating it.

You know when you just feel right? When you feel okay, perfectly okay just having them around? It’s just different, so different, Emma, different in a beautiful blessing way!

I knew it was him when whenever I was so happy or sad, I wanted nothing but to run to him and throw myself in his arms bursting into laughter or tears telling him all about it. I knew it when I couldn’t keep away any secrets from him. You just feel you want to share every single detail with them.

I knew I was in love, the right love when I wasn’t swept off solely with my emotions. No, Emma. I could clearly see what he stood for from the first moment. You know when you fall in love with someone’s mind and character? When you just fall in love with him just watching the way he gently treats those in need, the way he genuinely smiles at others, the integrity he works and deals with, the respect he shows to elders, the kindness and care by which he treats children….Oh, Emma I could go on forever. I knew I was blessed with the mix of mind and heart in my choice when I fell in love with his values before his features. I loved him for being a real human being, a one of a kind one!

You know there was something I couldn’t explain till I came across this , summarizing it all in just those 2 sentences:

“I knew it was love when I realized that every time I talked about him my smile would get bigger and bigger, and my heart would get fuller and fuller every time I thought of him”.

Yes, Emma. This feeling simply makes you feel as if you are sugarcoated internally and externally and I pray that all my loved ones experience this sugar sweetness inside out.

Please stay safe till we meet.



