What Has Happened to You is The Best Thing for You

Amira Sungkar
3 min readSep 11, 2023


what has happened to you is the best thing for you.

Photo by Sylvain Mauroux on Unsplash

I believe everything that has happened to me was written even before I took my first breath in this beautiful yet cruel world. We are just powerless humans; I mean, when it comes to God’s will, humans are essentially powerless, right?

Sometimes, I wonder why I fail at things or why I’m not lucky enough to obtain what I want, what I dream of, and what I fight for with all the abilities I have worked hard to gain with so much effort. It’s incredibly disappointing, I really thought that was the best for me. I believed that it would bring me many excellent things or lead me into a whole exciting experiences that would completely transform my life. Fully.

But who am I to question? Who on earth am I? Am I God?

How could you possibly be sure that was the best thing for you and failing was a mistake?

The truth (or the truth I learned through some failures) is, people never know, but God always does. Human beings have limited knowledge, while God possesses all-encompassing wisdom.

I firmly believe that God’s plan is the greatest thing that can ever happen in each individual’s life. I’m telling you.

It is not an instant process; I have been through hell to finally comprehend and wholeheartedly trust in God’s plan. His plan is perfect and just.

Here’s a scenario: You put up a fight for something you desperately wanted. You gave it your all, praying through the night and battling all day long. You invested an immense effort, ensuring that you deserved it from every angle. And you know what? You’re actually good, more than good, in fact.

But who really knows if that’s the best for you?

Who knows?

Who knows what’s gonna happen next?

Who knows if ‘that’ success will guarantee your safety?

Who knows if ‘that’ success won’t make you a worse person?

Who knows if there will be someone with bad intentions ready to harm you once you achieve ‘that’ goal?

Who knows whether you can survive?

Who knows if you’ll even survive?

Yes, it’s frustrating. People are so arrogant. It sickens me to realize that I, too, have been one of those or still am an arrogant individuals who failed to appreciate this life, with all its beautiful achievements and failures.

Okay, most of the time, I want another life. I want a life with me being richer, smarter, luckier, prettier, you named it. But the world does not work like that. I don’t even know if will I ever be happy once I have my imaginative version of a better life. God could possibly provide me a richer life where both of my parents died leaving behind a lot of inheritance. Certainly, I will not be happy. God could possibly give me extraordinary beauty, whereas I am sitting in jail because I utilized it to defraud a wealthy businessman.

Those scenarios are messing with my mind, and I could imagine a hundred different cases every time I thought of them. Make me believe that what has happened to me is the best thing for me. If I want a better life, I have to acquire it, right here, right now. All I can do is fight for what I want, the result is beyond our authority as a human. Besides, the result is just a visible output, right? What actually changed you is the process. The process you have learned and grown, becoming a better version of yourself, that’s it.

