‫Doing The Right Thing Is Always The Right Thing To Do

2 min readMay 30, 2017

We all know it’s always the right thing to do the right thing, yet it’s something we should all frame and put in a place where we will see it first thing in the morning and last thing before we go to sleep.

So why we are not doing the right thing?
From a first impression, the main thing is — it’s easier not to do it in most cases
We know the right thing to do is eat healthy food, we know junk food is bad, it’s not the lack of knowledge, but if we dig deeper it’s a combination of short-term satisfaction and lacking a really good reason.

One might ask “it’s being healthy a good reason?”
The answer to that is — if that person keeps eating junk food than no, it’s not a good enough reason…

Another reason is fear, fear of change, fear of the unknown.
We know the right thing to do is to start looking for a new job, one that will make us more satisfied unlike the current job, but it would mean entering an unknown territory and temporary uncertainty.

We know it’s the right thing to constantly try new ideas and test new things that would keep our business relevant, but the fear of a “bad call”, certainly when business is well is bigger…

Sometimes we don’t do the right thing simply because there is a false perception that there is no urgency…

That’s why we need to be reminded on a daily basis that doing the right thing is always the right thing to do.

Of course, being reminded is only one pillar on the way to actually executing on that — a strong unshakable reason backed up with discipline are the other pillars.

This is without a doubt a topic that could fill an entire book, and here I focused on a specific set of challenges, examples, and solutions that helped me.

I’m sure this won’t be the last time I’ll be addressing this topic.

I try these days to answer as much of the daily questions that start with “why should you do that”, especially the un-sexy, necessary but “boring” tasks with “because it’s the right thing to do!”.

Does it help 100% of the times? No, but now it raises my awareness to how strong are my reasons, and it allows me to reflect on it and try to make the adjustments.

Remember, do the right thing, why? You know why… :)




Dedicate My Life To Positive Impact | Passionate About The Principles Of Success & Personal Development | The Owner Of www.inspiring-success.info