Ongoing Success

2 min readMay 29, 2017

I saw this wonderful quote by Nelson Mandela while scrolling my Instagram feed and thought I should share this here.

I thought to share this because some people think success is a straight line with a beginning and an end.

While it may be true in some rare cases, most of the times’ success is a line that goes up, down and sideways, with more than one beginning and end till you get to your success station.

The reality is many don’t get to the success station, they think the temporary end is a final end, failing to try one more time, failing to re-think and adjust with a new plan or even a new different success station, in other words — they give up to soon…

It’s awesome to be motivated and enthusiastic, it’s wonderful to be in the ‘execution zone’ — yet the question remains, can you keep that state of mind when life punches you in the face, can you get up after you fall down for the 8th time, do you embrace the challenge and become more driven with every time you fall?

This is why I liked so much this quote — it encapsulates the above and asks us to shift our focus to the endurance that is required to attain ongoing success.
Not a rare success.
Not a random success.

An ongoing success, one that will serve as a foundation to an ongoing success in other fields of life…

Success of any kind is great, yet this quote is a wonderful reminder for me (and hopefully for you as well) to focus the attention on the people, the tools, and the information that will help us achieve ongoing success, and share our experience with others.

Thanks for reading! :) If you enjoyed it, hit that clapping 👋 button below. Would mean a lot to me and it helps other people see the story.

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