How Evernote is solving The Middle East’s conflict

Amir All
2 min readMar 13, 2017


Yeah. You read it right. Evernote managed to unite Israelis, Iranians, And Arabs.

A few years before, Evernote has started to become “A Thing” And after a while it became “The Thing”. I started using it. It was just a great tool to manage so many different things. Though it had an small problem, which was no support for Right to Left languages. It was alright. It was a US based company. They are probably focused on more local problems. They will eventually add this tool.

After a few years. They still didn’t support RTL on web or desktop version. But the android app, was supporting it. Though it looked like to be a more of a “It was already there” kind of thing, as many other apps that never supported RTL were supporting it on android, but well, I and many others just took it and ignored the desktop version. Web version could be fixed by a Stylish code.

The “if” part is really interesting.

The things got a little confusing when about a year ago, even the android version dropped the RTL support. And it seemed to me like a bug. So I reported it and they just said thanks for reporting. And there was already a topic on Evernote’s discussion forum. And they said they will look into it.

And a year past. There was no F*ing fix.

I started to message Evernote on different channels. And they just keep giving some unclear answers. Which they already did.

In effect, Persian, Arabic, Hebrew and many other languages are having deep problems with the centerpiece of evernote: It’s damn text editor.

Anything that can unite Iranians, Arabs and Israelis under the same roof, is a F*ing masterpiece.

So thanks Evernote. Middle East now is being actively ignored by you now. And that just pissed all of us.

