Product Management: Guesstimate

Amisha Jain
2 min readJun 23, 2023


Estimate the number of tweets posted on Twitter every day in India?

Assumptions :

I am assuming any tweet like text, image and gifs posted as a post.

I am considering both web and mobile phone users as reference.

I am counting retweets a post.

Assuming population of India as 1Bn and assuming only 50% of people have smart phones and internet connectivity to access twitter.

Assuming people between 0–15 years of age and 70+ years don’t use twitter.


Total tweets posted in India = Tweets/day * No of people tweeting/ day

Total population of India = 1 Billion

People having smart phone and internet access — 50 % = 500 Million = TAM

People with age groups having internet and smartphone access –

People with different age group having smartphones

Since in India there are other social media platforms such as WhatsApp and Instagram which are widely used among folks so not all users adopt twitter as their preferred social media app.

Calculations :

Hence, total tweets in India in day would be approximately 195 Mn.

